what's your problem? (LH)

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Earth 44
Lexi's View

"She what?!" Cassie asks.

"Oh hell no." Maddy says getting up.

"Please don't." I say.

"What's your fucking problem?" Maddy asks walking up to Y/n.

What's your problem?

"What?" Y/n asks.

"Are you fucking deaf? What's your problem?" Maddy asks.

"Ever since you got your inheritance, your head has been shoved up your ass." Maddy says.

You think that you're a God

"You're even more of a damn fool to you think that I'm gonna let some cunt fuck up my best friend's life and get away with it." Maddy says.

You came and fucked my life up when you knew that I was lost

"Either apologize or I will stick my hand down your throat, pull your intestines out, and strange you with them. And we all know you've been constipated since the 3rd grade." Maddy says.

"No." Y/n says before walking away.

What's your problem?

"I know where you fucking live!" Maddy shouts as Cassie holds Maddy back.

"Don't worry about it Y/n won't care either way." I say.

I start to cry and Cassie hugs me.

I'm crying on the floor
You made me hate myself just so that I would love you more

Time Skip

"You're a fucking moron." Tommy says.

"You don't know a good girl when you see one." Tommy says before shutting the door.

"Tell her how it is baby." Maddy says.

Tommy smiles and they kiss.

"Hey, Lex. How you holding up?" Tommy says.

"I'm okay, I've kinda forgotten about Y/n." I say.

I don't give a fuck about you like I used to

I used to think that Y/n was an angel, I would've done anything for her.

Back when I really thought I knew you
Back when I'd die not to lose you

Y/n saw that I was alone and vulnerable and "rescue me." She just added more weight and made the boat sink faster.

Yeah, you knew I didn't have many friends when I met you
Was the new kid trying to impress you
You always loved coming to the rescue

"It was nice to meet you." Mom says hugging Y/n.

Y/n smiles and leaves.

"I don't like her." Mom says picking her wine glass up.

I should've known when my mom said she don't like you
Should've took that as a sign

"We'll just leave, this party is lame anyway." Maddy says as I sniffle.

Cassie puts her arm around me and we walk outside. We walk past Y/n and I hear her chuckle.

Thought I caught you smiling the night that you saw me cry

"Y/n's been a dick to everyone lately. It boosts her ego or something." Tommy says.

I bet it feeds your ego
That I'm low all the time
'Cause that shit gets you high

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