Happier Than Ever (KH)

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Earth 14
Kat's View

"What the fuck is a meme?" Maddy asks taking my phone.

"Your relationship with Nate." BB says.

We laugh and Maddy raises an eyebrow.

My phones rings and Maddy makes a face.

"It's Y/n." Maddy says.

She hands my phone back and I silence it.

"You're not gonna answer it?" Cassie asks.

"I'm just really happy right now and I don't want her to ruin it." I say.

When I'm away from you
I'm happier than ever

"I'm unexplainably happy." I say.

Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn't true

"You broke up?" Cassie asks.

"We're on a break. I'm not really sure if I want to be with her, I need to think about it." I say.

Give me a day or two to think of something clever

"I remember writing a letter when I was younger so my future self could read it. I found it yesterday and past me wouldn't be happy knowing I'm with Y/n." I say.

To write myself a letter
To tell me what to do, mm-mm

Something hits the window and Cassie looks out of it.

"Y/n's throwing rocks." Cassie says opening the window.

A rock hits Cassie in the face and she falls in the floor.

"Sorry!" Y/n shouts.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I just wanted to say hi. Was in the neighborhood." Y/n says.

When you said you were passin' through
Was I even on your way?

"Don't come to my house throwing rocks. You throw baseballs at 60 miles per hour - you're gonna break it. Don't make a scene at school." I say.

I knew when I asked you to (When I asked you to)
Be cool about what I was tellin' you

"Totally." Y/n says texting.

You'd do the opposite of what you said you'd do (What you said you'd do)

"Fuck off." I say.

"This isn't even fucking fair. We're on a break, I should be allowed to say hi." Y/n says.

Don't say it isn't fair

"You know what isn't fucking fair? You treating me like shit then coming over like nothing happened." I say.

Don't say it isn't fair

"I'm happier than ever without you." I say.

So if you really wanna know
When I'm away from you (When I'm away from you)
I'm happier than ever (Happier than ever)

"In case you didn't get the memo, this is me breaking up with you." I say.

Wish I could explain it better (Wish I could explain it better)
I wish it wasn't true, mm-mm

I shut the window and close the curtains.

"Damn." BB says.

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