I'm Yours (LH)

1K 19 2

Earth 38
Lexi's View

"I'm gonna go blow all of Nate's — I mean, my money — in the casino." Maddy says walking away.

"I'm gonna check out the guys by the pool." Cassie says.

"I dropped my vape in the water so I'm gonna get a new one." BB says.

"Wonder if they have that new SpiderMan movie playing in the theater. Heard MJ is pretty hot." Rue says.

"I'll tag along." Jules says as they walk away.

"I need a drink." Mom says.

"Here's the card, get whatever you want. The pin is 0112." Mom says handing me a card.

Mom walks away and I groan loudly.

Mom started dating this guy who's a rich investor and she mentioned she wanted to take me and Cassie on a girls' trip. So he brought 6 tickets and he gave mom his debit card as funds.

"What am I gonna do?" I ask.

2 hours later...

There's a knock on the door and I open it.

"I don't—" The girl says.

"Oh, sorry wrong room." The girl says.

"I guess his is room 204 and not 304. I'm just trying to figure out what to do here." She says.

"Yeah, me too." I say.

"Do you wanna come in and watch a movie with me maybe?" I ask.

Might me nice to not be alone for once.

Some nerve you have
To break up my lonely

"Uh, yeah, sure." She says.

I smile and let her in.

"I'm Y/n." She says.

"Lexi." I say.

I don't think I like girls but Y/n is very pretty.

And tell me you want me

Time Skip

"So what did you do last night?" Jules asks.

"I watched a movie." I say.

"I didn't see you at the theater." Rue says.

"I watched it in my room with a stranger." I say.

"You had a stranger in your room?" Cassie asks.

"She was really nice." I say.

"Mom!" Cassie says.

"Huh?" Mom asks.

"There she is, that's a girl I watched a movie with." I say.

"The girl with white shirt?" Maddy asks.

"Yeah, she's really cute." I say.

"Lexi finds someone cute? This is a big moment." Cassie says.

How dare you march into my heart
Oh, how rude of you

"Excuse me." Mom says.

Y/n stops walking and turns around.

"Yes?" Y/n asks.

"My daughter thinks that you're cute." Mom says.

I cover my face and Cassie laughs. Y/n smiles and winks.

"Not too bad yourself." Y/n says.

To ruin my miserable
And tell me I'm beautiful

"Y/n." Someone calls.

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