Safe and Sound (RB)

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Rue's View

"This is your sponsor, Y/n. She'll keep you on track." Micheal says.

I nod and Micheal leaves.

"How are you feeling?" Y/n asks.

"I feel like shit." I say.

"You look like shit." Y/n says.

"Why would you say that?" I ask laughing.

"It made you smile." Y/n says.

I could lift you up

"I guess so." I say.

"The quicker you get back on your feet, the quicker you get to go home." Y/n says.

I could show you what you wanna see and take you where you wanna be

"I'll be with you every step of the way." Y/n says.

You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down, I know that we'll be safe and sound

I nod and smile.

We're safe and sound

Time Skip

"Draw 12." I say putting 3 cards down.

"Do you have winning cards?" Y/n asks.

"No." I say lying.

Y/n sighs and draws the cards.

"The color is blue." I say as Y/n fixes her cards.

I put my last cards down and she stares at me.

"You lying bitch." Y/n says as I laugh.

"Oh, man, I needed that." I say wiping my tears.

I could fill your cup

"Fuck you." Y/n says putting her cards down.

"I didn't mean anything by it, I just wanted to see the look on your face." I say.

"We're cool, right?" I ask.

"I'm stuck with you." She says shuffling the cards.

You know my river won't evaporate this world we still appreciate

"That's good to hear." I say.

You could be my luck

"I was trying to play nice, but now I'm about to school you." She says.

I laugh and she smiles.

Even in a hurricane of frowns, I know that we'll be safe and sound

"Can I tell you something?" I ask.

"Yes." Y/n says.

"I feel safe around you. I feel like I can just be myself, because you're way weirder than me." I say.

(Safe and sound)
We're safe and sound

"That's my goal — for you to feel comfortable." She says.

(Safe and sound)
We're safe and sound

Time Skip

"Hey, bitch." Maddy says walking in.

"How are you?" Maddy asks hugging me.

"I'm good." I say.

"Anything new or are you just sitting in here staring at walls all day?" Maddy asks.

"They gave me a sponsor — a guide — and I really like her. I can just be open with her without being judged." I say.

(Hold your ground)
We're safe and sound
(Safe and sound)

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