Heart Attack (RB)

947 14 0

Earth 36
Rue's View

"Who is that?" I ask as a girl walks past.

"That's Y/n, the foreign exchange student staying with us." Lexi says.

"Does Rue have a crush?" Jules asks.

"What? No." I say.

Puttin' my defenses up
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

"You think I'm in love, that's insane." I say.

If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

"I never said you were in love." Jules says.

"Oh, look at that. The bell rang, gotta go learn about the American Revolution." I say as the bell rings.

"Don't you have Spanish next?" Lexi asks.

I stare at her and run away.

Time Skip

"Whatcha doing?" I ask sitting beside Y/n.

"Just waiting for the time to pass." Y/n says.

"Yeah, doesn't really look like you like parties." I say.

Y/n laughs and I smile.

"Y/n." Y/n says.

"Rue." I say.

"Are you Italian?" Y/n asks.

"No." I say.

"I just assumed because they say we Italians are some of the hottest people around." Y/n says.

"I'm American, which is embarrassing to say in the light of the recent events." I say.

"Not all Americans are as beautiful as you." She says.

"Woah, slow your role Juliet." I say.

"You probably have a boyfriend, huh?" She asks.

"Single and ready to mingle." I say.

Never put my love out on the line
Never said "yes" to the right guy Never had trouble getting what I want

"We can mingle together." She says.

I smile and hand my phone to her.

Time Skip

I knock on the door and Maddy answers it.

"I need your help." I say barging in.

"Too bad, I have plans." Maddy says.

"Plans to what? Break up with Nate and fuck some guy in a pool?" I ask.

"Why does everybody think we fucked?!" Maddy asks.

"Doesn't matter because I really need your help." I say.

"With what?" Maddy asks.

"I have a date... tonight. In 2 hours to be exact. I'm not exactly the best looking right now." I say.

But when it comes to you, I'm never good enough

She looks me up and down and makes a weird face.

"I'm gonna need backup." Maddy says grabbing her phone.

15 minutes later...

"When's the last time you washed your hair?" Cassie asks pulling leaves out of my hair.

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