Rescue Me (RB)

719 16 1

Earth 47
Rue's View

"Can't do this. I'm sorry, Mom, I can't. I can't do it." I say getting out of the car.

I run into traffic and hear a car honk their horn. I look up and see bus coming towards me. Someone pushes me and I fall on the sidewalk.

I groan and see someone laying in front of the bus.

"Holy shit." I say.

The bus driver gets out of the bus and I run away.

Time Skip

Someone had pushed me out of the way, but why? Someone gave their life up for mine, but who?

"Yesterday, a 19-year-old named Y/n jumped in front of a bus to save another woman's life. Witnesses say the other woman was running into traffic before a bus came towards her. Y/n sprung into action and got hit by the bus instead. Y/n is currently in ICU, where her recovery status remains unknown." The news anchor says.

"You're like a criminal now, you almost killed her." Maddy says.

"That's not how it works, Maddy." Kat says.

"It's a joke, smartass." Maddy says.

"Not a very funny one." I say.

Kat laughs and Maddy rolls her eyes.

"I should go see her." I say.

"You have fun." Maddy says as I get up.

20 minutes later...

"How do you know the patient?" The nurse asks taking me to Y/n's room.

"She's an old friend, I lost touch with." I say.

"Oh." The nurse says.

She unlocks the room door and lets me in. Y/n stares at me and I sit in the chair beside her bed.

"I want to thank you, you saved my life." I say.

"I wish I could pay your medical bills." I say.

"I got enough money to buy this hospital." Y/n mumbles.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm from Sweden." Y/n says.

"Did you hear?" Jules asks.

"Hear what?" I ask.

"Y/n Y/l/n, the princess of Sweden, just came out. That means I have a chance." Jules says.

"Oh, you're that Y/n Y/l/n." I say.

"Yeah." Y/n says.

"Oh, thank you, your highness." I say.

"Why'd do what you did? Why'd a princess risk her life for mine?" I ask.

"It's just a title, I don't think I'm better than anyone or something like that." Y/n says.

"Well, thank you. I've never had someone do anything close to that for me." I say.

Never been saved, but I've never come closer

She smiles and nods.

1 year later...

Another year down

"It's so nice to see you." Mom says.

"It's been a while." A familiar voice says.

I get out of bed and open the room door. I go down the hallway and see Y/n standing in the kitchen.

Y/n notices me and smiles.

"What are you doing here?" J ask hugging Y/n.

"Your birthday's tomorrow, I wanted to surprise you." Y/n says.

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