Right Thru Me (LH)

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Lexi's View

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Lexi's View

"You have an idea, don't you?" Y/n asks.

You see right through me
How do you do that shit?

"What? I haven't even said anything." I say.

How do you do that shit?
How do you do that shit?

"You look like you have an idea, you're onto something. I can tell." Y/n says.

How do you?
How do you?

"Did you know that Cassie and Nate were sleeping together?" I ask.

How do you?
How do you?

"No, but I know you're gonna put it in that play you're writing. Why don't you tell me about it?" Y/n says sitting down.

How do you?

One thing about Y/n is that she listens to everything I have to say even if she's not interested.

You let me win, you let me ride
You let me rock, you let me slide

She has never cared for Nate or Cassie but she wants to listen to what I have to say.

Cassie and Y/n used to be best friends but Y/n and I starting dating she spent more time at our house. It didn't take her long to realize that Cassie has it out for me.

"I'm Bob Ross, the painter from PBS." I say.

They laugh and my smile disappears.

"The whole point of Halloween is to look attractive." Mom says.

"No it's not." I say.

"The whole point of life is to look attractive you've been failing at that for 17 years." Cassie says.

Everyone stares at Cassie and she shrugs.

"I think you look great baby." Y/n says breaking the silence.

And when they lookin', you let me hide
Defend my honor, protect my pride

I smile and Y/n kisses my cheek.

"Are you daydreaming?" Y/n asks.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I see you over there smiling." Y/n says smiling.

I smile and she laughs.

Time Skip

Y/n FaceTimes me and I answer it.

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