Best Friend's Brother (LH)

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Earth 7
Lexi's View

I call Maddy and she answers on the second ring.

I call you up when I know he's at home

"Hey, Lex." Y/n says answering the phone.

I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone

"Hey, Y/n." I say nervously.

"Is Maddy around?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah." Y/n says.

"Here." Y/n says.

"Hey bitch." Maddy says.

"Hey. Nate said he was going to that New Years party and I wanted to let you know." I say.

"Thanks but I am not gonna let him fuck up my night. You still going?" Maddy says.

"Yeah." I say.

"I'm gonna pray that someone will actually be interested in you." Maddy says.

"That came out the wrong way." Maddy says.

"Bye." I say laughing.

"Bye." Maddy says.

I hang up and sigh.

3 hours later...

"Why is Y/n staring at you?" Rue asks.

"She's staring at me?" I ask.

Why can't I tell if he's looking at me?

"Like you're her last meal." Rue says.

"What do I do? Do I smile? Do I—" I ask.

Should I give him a smile?
Should I get up and leave?

"Relax you're acting like she's the love of you life or something." Rue says.

She is. She shouldn't be. But she is.

I know it's strange, I don't know what I'm thinking

"Shit." Rue says noticing Jules.

Rue disappears into the crowd and I get up.

"Hey." I say approaching Y/n.

"Hey." Y/n says.

"I haven't see you face to face in so long." Y/n says hugging me.

"We need to hang out more. Just the two of us." I say.

But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
I really hope I can get him alone

"Don't say that in front of Maddy." Y/n says.

I just don't, don't want her to know

"Where are you two going?" Maddy asks.

"The movies." Y/n says.

"You two kids have fun. No touching." Maddy says.

"Yep." I say.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

"This party blows, wanna ditch?" Y/n asks.

"Why not?" I ask.

Y/n smiles and throws her cup away.

30 minutes later...

"Do you take every girl you meet here?" I ask.

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