Somebody That I Used to Know (CH)

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Earth 35
Y/n's View

"What's wrong?" Maddy asks.

"I miss her." I say.

Now and then I think of when we were together

I start to cry and Maddy hugs me tightly.

"Bad bitches don't cry." Maddy says wiping my tears.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Cassie asks.

"You just make me so happy." I say.

Like when you said you felt so happy you could die

"She said what?!" Maddy asks.

"She was probably just mad, it's nothing serious. I know she loves me." I say.

I told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company

"I love her so much." I say.

"It's not love, we just think it is." Maddy says.

But that was love, and it's an ache I still remember

"We force ourselves to believe that it is no matter what anyone says, but it never is." Maddy says.

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end

"We have to get rid of that person at all costs." Maddy says.

"I can't be with you anymore, no matter how much I want to." I say.

So when we found that we could not make sense

"We can—" Cassie says.

Well, you said that we would still be friends

"No, we can't. And I don't want to be." I say.

But I'll admit that I was glad it was over

"I did something bad." I say.

"What?" Maddy asks.

"Cassie tricked me and I fell for it. She said she wanted me back and we slept together. Then she acted like nothing happened. I'm an idiot." I say.

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing

"Fuck Cassie, you don't need her. We're about to go to a party and we're gonna find you someone way better than Cassie." Maddy says.

And I don't even need your love

"Who's ready to par-tay?" BB asks barging in the room.

Time Skip

"How was school?" Tommy asks.

"Cassie stared at me the whole time in both of the classes we have together and never said a word to me." I say.

But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough

"She wants you. She wants to show you what she know about chemistry and a little biology." Tommy says.

"That's not what she meant, moron." Allison says.

"So what does it mean?" Tommy asks.

"She regrets her decision and doesn't want to tell you." Allison says.

"That's the same time I just said but more complicated." Tommy says.

The doorbell rings and I answer the door.

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