Disrespectful (MP)

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Earth 51
Y/n's View

"We gotta go." Maddy says.

I groan and get up.

"Your bed is very comfortable." Maddy says.

"Don't tell Cassie that." I say.

If my girl found out you was on her side of the bed, she'll kill me

"Only if you don't tell Nate that mine is as hard as a rock." Maddy says as I go in the bathroom.

If your man found out I was on his side of the bed, he'll go HAM

6 months ago, Cassie introduced me to Maddy at a party. That same night, Cassie went home because she didn't feel well and me and Maddy fucked in the bathroom.

I thought it was just a one time thing but Maddy started following me around and I couldn't resist. I'm still with Cassie and she's still with Nate because we don't want to date. We're only sleeping with each other because we can't get what we want from them.

And we're in too deep now, we're both dead if they find out. I mean, Maddy has a toothbrush in my bathroom. And I have a drawer full of clothes in her room.

If my girl found out you was wearing her robe, I'd probably go missing
If your man found out I was wearing his slippers, wait

Since it's Spring Break, we're going on a trip together. Maddy told Nate she was going to Arizona to visit family but she's really going to New York with me.

"We gotta leave in 20 minutes." Maddy says.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I say.

"Don't give me attitude." Maddy says.

"Bitch, I'm trying to pee!" I say.

I shut the door and sigh.

Time Skip

"Call me when you land." Cassie says.

"Okay." I say.

"Why do you sound like that? You sound like you don't want to be bothered." Cassie says.

"Because I fucking don't." I say.

I don't care about none of these, none of these

"I can't get a fucking break away from you. You call me all day, always try to come over, constantly text me, you track me down, and you're always watching me. I can't fucking take it." I say.

I don't care about none of these, none of these

"I just need some space." I say.

I don't care about none of these, none of these

"I just don't want to lose you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me." Cassie says.

I don't care about nobody but you

"I know but I'm not going anywhere." I say.

"Have a safe flight." Cassie says.

Cassie hangs up and I sigh.

"You lying bitch." Maddy says.

"I don't care." I say.

Girl, you so special
I don't mind being disrespectful

"You know damn well you lie to Nate when tell him you love him." I say.

Girl, you so special
We're so disrespectful, oh

"You lie to him and show up at my house at 4 in the morning." I say.

Girl, you can call my phone at four in the morning

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