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Jordan's POV

I woke up to loud knocking on the door "what?! What?!" When I came back from school I just laid down over the covers, in my school clothes and fell asleep cuddling with my dog.

The person wouldn't stop knocking so I carried Bella off my chest and placed her gently on the bed. I stood up and went towards the door, unlocking it and opening it to see Olivia.

"Can you knock any louder? I couldn't hear it very clearly" I said sarcastically as she welcomed herself in my room. I groaned and closed the door "why did you lock the door?"

"Because I wanted to. It's my room, what do you want?" I asked annoyed at her. She sat down on the edge of the bed "you know what I want"

I took a deep breathe and covered my face with my hands "Liv I'm not in the mood and I'm really tired" that's my usual response to her wanting to have sex with me.

I like sex but to a certain fucking level. Not every second of the day.

"Just lay down and I'll take care of you" I removed my hands from my face and she stood up, taking Bella out of my room and locking the door.

She came towards me and pushed me back on the bed making me lay down. I pulled myself up to rest my head on the pillow as she pulled my pants slightly down alongside my boxers.

She took a condom from her bag and slipped it on for me and started rubbing me to get me hard.

I closed my eyes, trying to think of something to turn me on or whatever.

She took her clothes off and I looked at her as she straddled my legs right under my dick. I finally got hard then she slowly went down on it.

I heard her let out loud moans and I just groaned as I put my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes.

I had my right hand on her hips as I slowly rubbed my hand on her skin.

I had sound proof walls so her basically screaming was fine.

After we finished..she finished, I took the condom off and went to take a shower just so I don't feel dirty anymore.


I was sitting at the dinner table with my parents after Olivia finally left.

It was complete silence. It felt awkward but it's mostly like this.

"How was your day at school?" My mom asked. I looked up at her and smiled "it was good, thank you for asking"

My parents don't pay a lot of attention to me but my mom tries to act like she cares, my dad doesn't care at all. He just cares about me winning matches, going to photoshoots and that's it.

I love my mom. Things might have changed when she got back with my dad after they split but when I was with her at the time, she took amazing care of me and that was maybe seven or six years ago but now everything changed.

It's either because she thinks I'm 18 so I can take care of myself and that I don't care about what they say which I obviously do or my dad is just the whole problem.

He makes me feel like he doesn't love me. My mom at least tries but he just straight up acts like I don't exist sometimes..most of the time to be honest.

"You have a photoshoot in an hour" my dad said. I nodded my head at what he said and continued eating.

I have photoshoots every now and then. I don't like them a lot, I just do what my dad wants me to and eventually we split the money.

After I finished my food I stood up, taking my plate to the kitchen then going back to my room.

I took a quick shower, took my things then went to the living room where my parents were sitting "can you send me the location of the place of the photoshoot?" I asked my dad.

He looked up at me and stood up "no need, We're coming with you" I went to the garage and took my keys for my Range Rover. We have a lot of cars but I took this one since I mostly drive the Lemborghoini but since we're three people I'm taking the Range Rover.

I got in the driver's seat as my dad got in the passenger and my mom sat in the back.

I took my phone and connected it to the car "is it okay if I play some songs?" I asked my dad. He scares me.

"It's your car, you can do whatever you want" he said and I nodded putting on 'happiness is a butterfly' by Lana Del Ray but lowered the volume a little.

My dad was giving me the directions as I drove. I looked at my mom through the mirror to see her bopping her head to the songs that kept changing making me smile.

"I like this song" my mom said about the song 'Carolina' by Harry Styles that was now playing.

"All of his songs are good to be honest" I said to her "we should drive around so I can listen to other songs you like" she said making me smile.

This is nice. She wants to bond and I like it.


I finished the photoshoot and now I'm sitting on my desk doing some homework they gave us at school.

Bella..my golden retriever that is still just a little baby, started circling my legs for attention. I smiled at her and carried her, putting her on my lap.

I was petting her head with my left hand as I wrote down what I had to write down on my papers.

After finishing my homework, I put my books and papers back in my bag and carried Bella with me. I put her gently on the bed as I went to get ready for bed.

I laid down under the blanket, laying on my right side and Bella immediately changed her place and came to sit close to me and snuggled into my stomach.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her softly and made sure to not cover her whole body with the blanket so she doesn't like suffocate or something so I just kept the blanket on my lower stomach.

I love cuddling with Bella, it's so comforting for no reason.

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