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Jordan's POV

"Are you kidnapping me?" I laughed at what Ruby said and took a quick glance at her then back at the road "sure"

"Really, where are we going?" She asked me "somewhere you'll love"

I parked my car and got out as she did the same. I locked my car and put my hand out for her to hold which she did "I really like your smile" she said making me smile even more if that's possible "I like that your eyes smile with you too, if that makes sense" she added smiling at me.

"Thank you" I was blushing, hard but I don't care honestly "of course baby"

Baby..I like that.

I walked her in the building and went to the elevator, pressing "7" then looking back at Ruby and pulling her closer to me by her waist.

"You're so beautiful, did I ever tell you that?" I said as she wrapped her arms around my neck "pretty sure you told me that maybe..five times in the past hour but I'm definitely not complaining" I smiled and pecked her lips.

The elevator door opened and I pulled back, pulling her to the apartment. I unlocked the door and stood aside so she would walk in "wow, what is this place?"

"My apartment" I said to her. She looked at me and frowned "your apartment?" I nodded and walked in, closing the door "yeah. I bought it so I can spend some time alone whenever I want"

"It's a nice apartment. How could you afford this alone?" She asked me "I model, that's why" she squinted her eyes at me and her eyes widened "I remember seeing you on a magazine. I was wondering who the sexy lady was" she said making me laugh.

"Anyways..I brought you here so we don't get interrupted" I said pulling her closer to me. She bit her lip and held my hand, pulling me to the couch and pushing me down on it.

She straddled my lap and put her hands on my shoulders. She kissed me and started to slowly grind on me making me grip her waist.

"Are you okay with everything?" She asked and I nodded "I'm okay with everything and don't ask again. If I want you to stop, I'll tell you"

I want sex, just not with Olivia.

She took her shirt off and I did the same to mine. She stood up and put her hand out, I held it and she pulled me making me stand up in front of her.

"I'm gonna make you feel good" she said. Her hand rubbed down my area making me take a deep breathe at the sudden movement.

Ruby got down on her knees as my eyes followed her. She undid my pants and pulled them down alongside my boxers.

"Wow" she mumbled under her breathe as she wrapped her hand around the shaft, rubbing it softly as she looked up at me with her bottom lip in between her teeth "you're big" she said quietly.

"But you can take it, right?" I said smiling at her a little as she nodded her head and focused on my hard nine inch dick "anything for you" she mumbled licking the tip.

I tied her hair up with a hair tie I had around my wrist.

The way it looked messy and the few strands of hair falling on her face.

She looks so sexy.

She took the tip in her mouth making me groan lowly at the feeling. Her free hand was resting on my bare thigh, gripping it softly making me feel her nails digging into my skin, not painful. It feels kind of good if I'm being honest.

Imagine what those would feel like scratching my back while I'm fucking her.

I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed it slowly so she would take more of me. Her eyes looked up, locking with my eyes as I kept pushing her head to take more and more of me.

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