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(A/N:just finished my exams so you'll get updates more often)

Jordan's POV

I was sitting on the bench, waiting for the game to start. I was nervous because I felt like I was distracted from what happened with Ruby today.

I like her and when that happened it just made me like her more. Now, she probably doesn't want anything to do with me.

"Come on" I stood up and took a deep breathe, shaking my hands like I always do when I'm nervous. We stood in a circle and I just told them the plan and whatever then the game started.

My parents were in the audience of course and after a few minutes of playing I saw her walk in and take a seat.

I put my focus back on the game and tried to score but I missed it. I was distracted, I never miss shots that easy.

"Focus!" I heard my dad yell and I took a deep breathe, trying to get my head back in the game but god I can't stop thinking about Ruby.

I took the ball and ran closer to the net, slam-dunking the ball into the net. I looked at my dad who nodded his head as the others clapped their hands for me.

My eyes landed at Ruby who was slightly smiling as she looked at me. I didn't want to be rude and make her think that she did something wrong so I smiled back.

After we played for a while, we had a break and I knew I was going to get some really rude things from my dad because I wasn't playing as good as I always do.

"Come here" my dad said to me. I sighed and placed my water bottle down, going towards him as he stood away from the crowd.

"What the fuck are you doing out there? You missed a lot of shots, a lot of easy ones. Focus or you won't get in the fucking college you want"

"You mean your friends will see that I'm not the perfect basketball player?" I mumbled quietly "what did you say?" He asked and I shook my head "nothing. Sorry, I'll do better"

"Good" he hit his shoulder with mine as he walked back to his seat. I sighed and went back to my team.

We started playing again and I really did try my best but as I was about to slam-dunk the ball into the net, someone pushed me hardly making me fall.

I put my hands behind me because that was the first reaction my body had to me falling on my back and with me doing that, my right wrist cracked.

I groaned and sat up, looking down at my wrist that I was holding from the pain. I removed my hand to look under to see that my wrist didn't look..normal?

It was definitely broken.

The coach came towards me and called the nurse. They started helping me up but I was perfectly fine standing and walking, I hurt my wrist not my legs.

I walked with them to the locker room and they brought the doctor they always bring for our games in case any of this happens.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I looked at the person to see Mrs.Diaz standing next to the coach who nodded her head "she's gonna be fine, she's strong"

I smiled at what she said and my eyes locked with Ruby's beautiful eyes. She gave me a small smile but then we broke eye contact when I saw my parents walk in.

"You did amazing" my dad sarcastically said making me sigh in annoyance. My mom sat down next to me and kissed the side of my head as the doctor wrapped up my wrist after cracking the bone back into its place.

"You could've won that game if you just fucking focused. What kind of dumb injury is that?" I just looked down at the ground while bouncing my leg up and down.

"She hurt herself and you're worried about the game?" We all looked at Ruby who stood up for me "it's none of your business Ruby" my dad said to her but she shook her head, walking towards me "I don't care"

She crouched down in front of me and placed both of her hands on my knees "you did good. Just rest for a while" she said softly.

How can I not fall for her?

"Yes you did.." I looked at my mom who moved some hair away from my face "..I'm proud of you"


"You really did do good" I turned to look at Ruby who came to the court that we used to hang out in.

She sat down next to on the bench "I'm proud of you for actually being able to hold yourself back from cussing at your father" she said chuckling making me smile "yeah got used to my dad saying bullshit that I can't talk back to because he's my dad"

She moved closer to me "did you do anything for your birthday?" She asked changing the topic. I shook my head "it's not my thing"

"You gonna do anything with um..Olivia?" She asked with a bit of hesitation "I hope not"

I really do. I don't want to have sex. I'm in the worst mood ever because of what happened with Ruby this morning and my wrist is fucking broken.

I wish I could use 'my wrist is broken' as an excuse but she would just tell me to 'lay down and relax' and I have a problem saying no.

"I have something for you" she spoke. I frowned my eyebrows and turned my head to look at her since I was looking at the ground trying to avoid her gaze.

"You already bought me something-" she cut me off by placing her lips on mine.

I was shocked but of course I kissed back. She put her hand on my cheek as she turned her body a little to face me. I placed my hand (not the broken one) on her thigh as I tilted my head to the side to deepen the kiss.

We pulled back for a few seconds for air but kissed again.

Her lips are so addicting.

I moved my hand up to her waist and gripped it softly making her let out a muffled moan into my mouth.

She slowly pulled back with my bottom lip in between her teeth. She let it go and looked into my eyes "I just couldn't not kiss you after what happened this morning" she spoke as she tried to catch her breathe.

"Good. I want you to kiss me" she smiled and pecked my lips "it's gonna be hard for us to be together. You know that right?" She said and I nodded "I know all the risks of being with you and I'm okay with it"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now