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Jordan's POV

"You okay?" Amy asked sitting on my desk chair and looking at me as I sat down on the edge of my bed "yeah I'm okay" I said smiling at her.

I knew that she wasn't asking about my nose, she was asking about my whole dad thing that went on downstairs just a few moments ago.

But I wasn't really okay, I just didn't want her to worry and also it has been going on for a while now so I'll be okay in a bit.

I heard my phone buzz a few times. I took it from my pocket and looked to see notifications from both Olivia and Ruby.

I went to see Olivia's texts first so if it's a bad or an annoying text I can get cheered up by Ruby's text after.


Why did you hit Tyler?

Why do you care?

Bc you hit people for no

I never hit anyone and I never
get mad. You out of all ppl should
know that. He deserved it

I got out of the conversation with Olivia and went to answer Ruby's text.


How are you feeling?

It hasn't even been an hour since
you left. I'm okay

I just wanted to check if
you need anything

I don't. Thank u

Of course :)

"There is no way you're smiling like that to Olivia's texts" Amy said sitting down next to me and taking the phone from me. I let her take it because I don't like hiding things from Amy, it's like so hard to not tell Amy every single thing.

"Ruby? Is that Mrs.Diaz?" She asked smirking. I smiled and looked down at my feet "oh my god..it's happening" she sang making me laugh "nothing is happening. She just wanted to check on me"

The phone buzzed again and she gasped "what does she mean by 'am I gonna see you tonight?'," Amy asked. I took the phone from her to see the text.


Am I gonna see you tonight?

I'm not sure, I'm kinda tired

You should rest Jay. You
need it

I will

"Text her and say 'but that doesn't mean you can't text me, I'm never tired of you'," Amy suggested. I looked at her "isn't that a little too much?" I asked her. She shook her head "bitch just text her that. You have nothing to lose"

I was nervous to say that. Maybe it was too much since she's my teacher. Oh and also she's married and I have a girlfriend. I shouldn't be trying to flirt with someone else.

"But I'm in a relationship" I said to Amy. She rolled her eyes at me and took the phone from me "the relationship you have with Olivia.." she said while she was typing something "..is bad for you and you clearly don't want her anymore. She's an asshole and she's probably fucking some random ass dude"

It's true. She probably is but I don't care enough to try and find out if she actually is. I feel so trapped with her and I don't like it at all.

Amy handed me my phone "just wait"


But that doesn't mean you can't
text me. I'm never tired of you

I saw what Amy texted and bit my lip nervously, waiting for her to text back. I kept bouncing my leg up and down, waiting for her response.

"She's typing" Amy said excitedly. I laughed "you're even more excited than me" she smirked and hit her shoulder purposely with mine "so you admit you like her?" She asked. I gave her a confused look "no I don't"

"She texted!" She yelled. I laughed and nodded "okay calm down"

My heart was beating so fast and I was sooo excited but I'm not the kind to show my excitement.


I'm never tired of you either

I don't think I've ever smiled this hard from a text before "Oh my god! Text and say 'I'm glad you don't get tired of me'," I laughed and nodded texting her that.


I'm glad you never get tired
of me

And why is that?

Bc I might start annoying you from
how much I'm gonna text u

I bet it won't be annoying since
it's you

"This does not feel real man" I said laughing and blushing at her text. Amy let out an 'Aw' before cupping my face and squishing it in her hands "you're simping so hard right now, it's so cute" she said making me laugh.

Then Amy's phone buzzed and she looked at it "oh shit. My mom texted me, I gotta go home" she stood up and cupped my face, kissing my nose like she always does then placing her forehead on mine "I love you bitch" she said making me laugh "I love you too bitch" I said back to her.

This is the goodbye we always have. It brings me so much comfort.

I watched as Amy left my room and closed the door behind her. I looked back at my phone and smiled again reading the last text she sent.

I took my shoes off and rested back on my headboard to keep texting her.


You're too sweet

Says you

That text made me smile so much. I felt my cheeks burn from how much I was blushing. I closed my eyes tightly and rested my head back on the headboard. If I keep looking at the text, my heart will literally jump out of my chest.

It was the nice kind of nervous. It was like texting your crush for the first time kind of nervous and if I think about it..I kinda have a crush on her.

I don't know if it's because she's showing me so much love when I've been lacking it for years or if it's because she cares for me or if it's because she's super pretty or if it's because she has those beautiful blue eyes or if it's because she has the most amazing personality..I can keep going on and on with the amazing qualities this woman has.

Okay..I do have a crush on her.

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now