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Ruby's POV

"I'm going to Paris" Nathan said dragging a suitcase towards the door of our room. I nodded my head "okay"

I couldn't care less about him leaving to another country and telling me last minute.

I want him to leave.

Fuck him.

He left and I started cleaning up the messy ass room.

I was doing the bed then I saw literal panties that obviously aren't mine under the nightstand.

He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he fucks other girls.

You know what, he has sex on the bed we sleep in so I'll do the same.

I took my phone and called Jordan who answered just after a few seconds "hey pretty" she said her regular greeting making me smile "hi love. Wanna come over to my place?"

"What do you mean? You told me you don't wanna risk Nathan catching us together so you said that we can never go to your place-" I cut her off.

"Do you wanna fuck me or not?"


"Fuck yeah" Jordan mumbled as I bounced on her dick, moaning loudly at the feeling of her hitting all the right spots inside of me.

She slapped my ass repeatedly but honestly, I loved it.

I love when she slaps my ass, when she degrades me, when she pulls my hair, when she fucks the life out of me, when she owns me and calls me hers.

I rested my hands on her bare breasts since I started feeling more tired from the two orgasms I had in like fifteen minutes.

She lasts so long, it's amazing but tiring sometimes.

Then she suddenly held my hips down and started thrusting up into me.

"I can't take it" I said feeling too tired to even hold myself up anymore so I put my head in the crook of her neck as she kept going "just a bit more baby, I'm so close"

I nodded my head and kissed her neck as her moans got louder every second.

She's not wearing a condom. I told her she doesn't have to this time because the only other time she fucked me without a condom was at the party last week.

Jordan always makes sure that she's wearing one because I always told I felt more comfortable with it. You know, staying safe from getting pregnant but a few times won't hurt anyone.

A loud moan left her mouth as I felt her finishing inside of me "you feel amazing" she whispered into my ear thrusting a few more times but gently and softly so she can enjoy her orgasm.

Then she slipped out of me but I refused to get off her.

Laying on top of her is just so comfortable.

And it makes me feel safe.

It's crazy how I feel the safest I've ever felt with someone I've known for only a few months.

And dated for almost two full months.

Being with Jordan feels too good to be true. It's literally a dream come true.

I lifted my head up and looked at her. She smiled at me and I pecked her lips "I love you" I whispered against her lips and she chuckled, pecking my lips again "I love you more"

"That is not even possible" I said getting off her and laying down next to her. She raised her eyebrows "you tryna get tickled into admitting that I love you more?" She asked and I gave her a very serious look "you know how I feel about tickling so don't even try"

"I won't if you let me have this one" she said and I rolled my eyes "whatever. You can love me more this time but next time, I'm not letting this go"

It's just a little sarcastic thing between us.

I like having this little weird inside joke with someone really close to me. I don't know why but I really love it.


"Miss?" I looked up from my desk and frowned my eyebrows when I saw Amy standing in front of my desk "is everything alright?" I asked.

"I'll make it really quick before everyone gets here. Jordan isn't at school today.." that sentence itself made my heart race. She didn't tell me she wasn't coming to school "..and I'm really fucking worried because she didn't answer my calls or texts and yesterday I went to her place but her parents said she left to go somewhere"

"She didn't answer your texts since yesterday?" I asked her and she nodded "did she answer yours?" I shook my head "no but she saw it. I thought maybe she was tired and forgot to reply"

"She might be at the apartment but when I went there she didn't answer the door but you have a key, right?"

I nodded my head "yeah I do. Everything is gonna be okay, I'll go check on her. Don't worry" I said placing my hand on her tense shoulder. She nodded "okay, thank you and please tell me if anything happens and if she's okay"

"I will, don't stress about it. She's gonna be okay"

I'm telling her not to stress about it when my heart literally feels like it's going to jump out of my chest from how hard and fast it was beating.

Hearing that she hasn't been answering since yesterday worried me.

I let the fact that she didn't answer my text slip because I was going to see her today and ask her if everything was okay.

Something is definitely wrong.

If she was going to miss a day of school she would have told me or at least told Amy about it but she didn't.

I'm starting to worry even more now.

She was fine a few days ago when she came to my place. Maybe she was acting fine?

I need to calm down because I have classes to teach.

But I can't. I can't get the fact that my girl can be feeling down right now and that she doesn't have someone next to her to make her feel better.

I'm supposed to be there for her whenever she needs me but the problem of her not being able to talk to me about things like her depression or her mental health in general makes me worry a lot because I never know what might happen.

That's why I worry about her a lot.

Because something really fucking bad can be happening right this second and I don't know about it.

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