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Jordan's POV

"I can't believe you were actually able to change classes" I said to Amy as I had my arm around her shoulder while she had hers around my waist.

"I wanted to see you simping over your new teacher and I did it" we walked in class and Ruby looked at me and smiled then it slowly died as she looked at Amy "I haven't seen you in class before" she said to her looking down at her papers.

"Jealousy.." Amy whispered in my ear "..just switched classes so I can be with Jordan in the same class"

I pulled my arm away from Amy and rolled my eyes at her "oh my god" i mumbled to myself. I walked away from her and still heard her talking to Ruby.

I placed my backpack down and went towards Amy, I wrapped my arms around her from behind and carried her towards her desk "I apologize" I said to Mrs.Diaz who didn't even smile at me.

"Literally made me lose all my privileges with her" I said to Amy and sat down on my desk which was in front of Amy's desk.

I kept looking at Ruby who took a quick glance at me then looked down at her papers again "she's jealous jealous" Amy whispered to me.

After everyone walked in, the class started. I just kept looking at Ruby while she was walking around the class as she explained things to us but she literally didn't look at me any single time.

I was following what students took turn on reading from the book as I followed every word with my finger tracing the book so I don't get lost.

"Miss Cruz.." no no please no.

I looked up at Mrs.Diaz and smiled slightly "..continue reading for us" god no.

I have trouble reading in front of people. My anxiety kicks in and everything gets mixed up. Ruby knows this since it happened right in front of her, I didn't think she would call for me because she used not to.

I gulped and looked down at the book feeling myself start to sweat "the electric field.." I hate this electric field shit so much "..is defined mathematically as a vector field"

I was reading slowly so I looked around to see everyone staring at me so I immediately looked back down "that associates to each point in space the force per unit of charge ex-" I stopped not being able to read the next word.

"Exerted" I heard Amy say. I swallowed hardly "exerted on an infin-" I kept trying to read the word but I literally am just looking at mixed up letters.

I felt like crying. I already had tears in my eyes from how nervous and embarrassed I was.

"William, please continue reading" Ruby said. I sat back on the chair and put the cap of my hoodie on, keeping my arms crossed as I kept feeling tears forming in my eyes.

I raised my hand "can I go to the bathroom?" I asked not looking up at Ruby "oh now you can speak huh?" I heard some guy say.

I immediately stood up and left the class without waiting for Ruby to tell me to leave.

I went to the bathroom and got in one of the stalls. I closed the toilet seat and sat down on it, I rested my elbows on my thighs and covered my face with my hands as I just started to cry quietly.

"Jordan" I was wishing it was Amy and not Ruby but unfortunately it was Ruby.

I can't be mad at her. She doesn't have to be nice to me, it's not her fault I can't fucking control my anxiety.

I just stayed quiet and didn't answer "Jay I know you're here somewhere" I heard her softly say "I'm sorry for telling you to read when I know you have problems reading" I heard her say as she pushed open every stall door.

Then she got to mine and realized it was locked "just come out of there Jay..I'm sorry" she apologized again.

"It's okay" I said sniffing. If she knew I was here, it would pointless to just stay quiet "it's not. I knew you were having problems..problems apparently no one knows about even Amy doesn't seem to know"

"How did you know that?" I asked her "Amy almost killed the kid. They took her to the principal's office until she calms down but don't worry, she's not getting suspended or anything. I made sure that they knew it wasn't her fault"

"Thank you" i said and I heard sigh "please come out of there" I stood up and made sure to wipe my tears with the sleeves of my hoodie then unlocked the door.

I heard her take a few steps back as I opened the door, stepping out of the stall with my eyes stuck to the floor.

She took a few steps closer to me and I felt her cup my face with her hands "look at me" she said quietly. I swallowed nervously and looked into her eyes.

"I'm sorry" she shushed me when I opened my mouth to say something "just shut up and take the apology" she said rubbing her thumb over my cheeks slowly.

"Why did you make me read? You never made me read after what..happened when we were studying alone" I said about the..anxiety attack I had? I don't know what it was but I think I was having an anxiety attack.

"I don't know what had gotten into me. I was annoyed and it made me childish, I'm very sorry" I frowned and tilted my head to the side "annoyed about what?"

She smiled then leaned in, kissing my cheek making them start to heat up a little "that's a conversation for later now let's go back to class"


I was sitting on the bench as I looked at my watch. I was really hoping that Ruby is going to come back here but it's almost midnight.

I'll just wait for a few more minutes, maybe she'll get here.

I bounced my leg up and down as I looked around trying to spot Ruby.

I sighed and gave up. I took my phone from the bench and before I even stood up, I heard someone "sorry for being late..you'll be so surprised how many people go to McDonald's right now" she said as she walked towards me with two bags of McDonald's.

I smiled and placed my phone back on the bench as she sat down next to me "so I bought you two meals because I had no idea what you preferred, I bought you a seven-up and bought us 9 pieces of nuggets to share other than the two sandwiches I got you" she said taking the sandwiches out and handing them to me.

I took the Mac chicken, it's my favorite thing to eat from there after the chicken nuggets of course. Nothing is better than McDonald's chicken nuggets.

We talked as we had our meals. It was probably the best moment of my entire life.

Spending the night with her felt like a dream.

And it was the most comfortable I've ever been with someone other than Amy of course but it just feels so safe.

She asked me about school, life and how I've been doing in general and I did the same to show her that I also care for her.

Every time she would tell me a story that happened to her, I would ask questions about the story even if I knew the answer to it but I just wanted her to know that I was actually interested in listening to her and that all my attention is on her and nothing else.

I was walking her back home since she got a little tired considering it was getting pretty late.

I stood close to the gate of her house and waved my hand at her but she laughed "I think we got past the waving stage" then she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a warm hug.

I was shocked at first but I wrapped my arms around her waist, not too low in case it makes her uncomfortable.

After I heard that she walks home alone and probably gets harassed by random ass guys, I wanted to make sure no one annoys her anymore wether it was by words or actions. And I certainly wouldn't want to be the one annoying her or making her uncomfortable.

She pulled back from the hug "have a goodnight Jordan"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now