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TW⚠️:mention of rape

Ruby's POV

Jordan got better from last week. She's not feeling amazing but she's feeling better.

She went to school and I made sure to let her know that I'm really proud of her even if she wasn't concentrating a lot in classes. I'm proud of her for just leaving the apartment.

"Ruby!" I heard Jordan yell from her room. I put my phone down and made my way to the bedroom.

I've been sleeping on the couch because i didn't want to disturb her alone time even though she never told me that I have to sleep out of the room but I just did.

"Everything okay baby?" I asked opening the door. She nodded and looked away from my eyes "can you come spoon with me?" She asked nervously making me smile.

She's so cute.

"Of course" I closed the door and made my way towards the bed, getting under the blanket behind her then wrapping my arms around her from behind.

She loves being the small spoon.

I kissed the back of her head as she got more comfortable and relaxed in my arms.

"I love you" she said quietly making me smile widely. She barely spoke those past days and hearing her say that just made me really happy.

"I love you more"


"Ruby, can I talk to you for a bit?" I nodded and got off the desk chair, going towards the bed and sitting down next to Jordan.

"I'm sorry" she apologized which confused me. What is she apologizing for?

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong" I said reaching out for her hand to hold it "I did. I put you through this whole episode thing"

I hate the fact that she feels guilty for something like that.

"No baby, I don't want you to feel guilty for something like that, something I know hurt you and exhausted you so much"

I have to admit it was a bit draining and tiring having to take care of her all the time but I never even thought about leaving her because I was tired and I never even saw it as her fault.

"No I should apologize. You've been nothing but amazing to me these past two weeks and all I did was give you a fake ass smile and one 'I love you' through the whole two weeks. You helped me so much and most importantly..you actually stayed and didn't leave me to suffer alone. I know that I spent most of my time in the bedroom alone but knowing that you were out there, trying your best to stay with me through this meant so much to me"

"I love you so much, I can't even put my love for you into words" she pulled the hand she was holding up to her lips and kissed it.

"I love you too but please don't apologize for going through something you can't even control. I love you so much and all I wanna do is help you through your mental health issues"

She smiled and pulled me into her lap. I straddled her lap and wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her into a tight hug.

It was rare for her to ask for affection during her episode. It was just a few times but I'm so happy she got out of it because seeing her going through her episode hurt me so much.

She was in so much pain, it hurt my heart to see her like that.

"I want to ask you about something if that's okay with you" I said pulling back from the hug. She nodded her head and kept her hands on my waist "of course"

"Did..Olivia do anything to you?" I was a bit hesitant to ask that but I really wanted to know if it's what caused her episode.

And from the look on Jordan's face after I had asked the question, Olivia did do something.

Jordan swallowed hardly and looked away from my eyes "she.." she took a deep breathe and I saw her struggle to say what she wanted to say.

I placed my hand a bit above her breasts, rubbing it softly to comfort her "it's okay, take your time"

"She made me have a threesome with one of her guy friends" she said quickly with tears gathering in her eyes. She said it fast because she seemed like she was choking on her own words.

She took a deep shaky breathe and tears left her eyes "it was horrible. It really hurt too" I pulled her into a tight hug, letting her cry into my chest.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" I apologized and kissed her head.

This is all my fault. If I had stopped Olivia the first time I knew what happened, none of this would have happened.

"Baby.." I pulled back from the hug and cupped her face "..I think we need to tell someone, the cops or your parents. This isn't okay and Olivia needs to be put in jail for what she's doing but if you just want to tell your parents and no one else then it's your choice"

"I really want to but I'm really scared" I nodded and kissed her forehead "I know you are but if you do tell them, then you don't have to deal with Olivia anymore. You can take Amy for support since I can't be there but again, it's your choice, I just want you to do what you want to do"

She nodded and wiped her tears "I'm gonna tell them but I'm not sure when" I nodded understandingly and moved her hair away from her face "it's okay, do it whenever you feel like it"

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