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Jordan's POV

"Jay" I looked up at Amy and frowned at the look she had on her face. She handed me her phone without saying anything and I put it up to my ear "hello?"

"Jordan, where is your phone?! Why aren't you answering?!" I heard Ruby yell "it's not charged. What's wrong?"

"I was driving to get somethings from the supermarket and there was some weird guy following me around in there-" I cut her off "did he do something to you? Did he touch you?"

"No but he's following me around in his car right now. I've been driving around for like 15 minutes because I'm scared to go back home. I don't know what to do" she said freaking out.

I stood up "come to my apartment" I went to my bedroom and Amy followed me alongside Luke "but I don't want him to know where you live either" she said and I shook my head "just get here. I'll stay on the line with you in case anything happens"

I opened my drawer and took out a pocket knife. I always kept one in my drawer for safety. I left the apartment and they followed me "don't do something dumb Jay!" Amy yelled as I kept pressing on the elevator button.

I got in and pressed on the ground floor. I left the building and waited for Ruby's car to come in sight "I'm two minutes away" she said and I nodded "okay. Everything is gonna be okay baby, don't worry" I reassured her.

I finally saw her car with another car behind her "I see you, park behind the cars" I hung up and gave Amy her phone.

Ruby parked her car and I stood in front of the other car to stop it, making the guy hardly hit the breaks "get out of the fucking car!" I yelled at him opening the pocket knife as my arm rested next to me.

He didn't get out "get out! I know you can hear me!" I yelled and he nodded, getting out of the car.

I went to him pushed him against the car putting them tip of the knife on his stomach "if I see you ever again I'll pull your organs out of your body fucker. If she wasn't here.." I said pointing to Ruby who just stepped out of her car "..I would've already killed you"

"Like a woman can do that" he said laughing at my face. I smiled at him and pulled back "that's right. I'm a woman, I can't defend myself. Wow you're so smart" I said sarcastically closing the knife and putting it in my pocket.

He had this proud smirk on his face. Why does he look proud?

"Right? You agree with me" he said and I nodded "of course dude. You have all the right to follow girls around like a creep"

"Yeah honestly I just wanted to fuck her-" I just punched him across the face making him fall to the ground. I straddled his stomach and threw punches on his face.

"Luke do something!" I heard Amy yell "no! She scares me!" Luke yelled back.

"Oh my god..baby stop, please stop" I felt Ruby's hand on my shoulder trying to pull me back "you're gonna kill him, please stop" she begged again and I stopped, looking down at his bloody face.

I stood up and looked at Ruby, pulling her into a hug "are you okay pretty?" I asked and she nodded "I'm okay"

I looked back at the guy and kicked his leg "get up and leave man" he got up and got in his car, I slammed the door shut for him and waved my hand at him with a smile on my face as he drove away.

"Why didn't you beat the shit out of someone for me like that?" Amy asked Luke who shrugged his shoulders "there is no one to beat up" I laughed and looked at Ruby who had her arm wrapped around my waist as I had mine around her shoulder.

I kissed the side of her head and she looked at me smiling "you almost killed him but thank you for that"


"Has Nathan done anything to you recently?" I asked Ruby from behind the phone as I laid down on my bed with my dog Bella, who was laying on my chest sleeping.

"No not really" I nodded my head "that's good"

We talked for a bit and laughed about random things.

I don't think words can describe how happy she makes me.

"So I was thinking about something" she said quietly "about what?" I asked petting Bella's head softly.

"I kinda wanna..have sex with you. If that's what you want of course" she sounded so nervous, it was cute.

"I'd love to have sex with you" I said. She laughed shyly "okay..is tomorrow good for you? At eight?" She asked and I nodded "sounds perfect"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now