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Jordan's POV

"There she is" Amy said from beside me, looking towards Ruby who was standing next to Nathan.

Amy was here with her parents too which I'm happy about.

I looked at Ruby, admiring her in the beautiful dark red dress she was wearing. It was perfectly wrapped around her body and she was right, it showed both her ass and tits perfectly.

She turned her head to look at me and smiled, her eyes trailing down my body making her bite her lip slightly as she looked back into my eyes.

"You look amazing" she mouthed to me "you too" I mouthed back to her making her smile.

"I love her" I said looking at Amy after Ruby switched her attention back to the people she was talking to.

Amy smiled at me "I know" she said putting her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arm around mine "do you think she loves me back?"

"I don't think she loves you back.." she lifted her head off my shoulder and looked at me "..I know she does. You are probably the best couple I've ever seen. You're perfect for each other"

I smiled at what she said and looked back at Ruby.

My smile immediately died when I saw Nathan's hand resting on her ass.

I want to chop his head off.

"Go greet your teacher and her husband" my mom said snapping me out of my thoughts "oh I will"

I walked towards them, slipping my hands into my pockets as Amy followed behind me "don't do anything dumb. You're fucking your teacher bitch so don't expose yourself because of your anger issues- hi there" she said to the people when we got to them.

"Hey misses Diaz, Hi Nathan" I said glaring at him. He smiled at me and I forced a smile on my face "hey Jay" he said back to me.

Don't call me that.

I want to punch him so badly.

I looked at Ruby and she raised her eyebrows at my behavior and my clear hatred towards Nathan. I looked away from her and tried to calm myself down.

Just for her, not for him.

My parents joined us and a few more people. I couldn't take my eyes off Ruby, it was so hard to not just stare at her and admire the way she's looking tonight.

She deserves to be kissed so hard I swear. I just want to kiss her beautiful face.

"Oh yeah we have a gym at the house. My daughter is hoping to be a professional basketball player so she works out there a lot" my mom said smiling at some girl who looked at me "how old are you?" The woman asked me "nineteen"

She smiled and nodded, taking a sip from her drink and looking away slowly "I joined the gym recently, it's nice. Don't you think?" The same woman asked looking at me. I just nodded awkwardly "yeah it's nice I guess"

I looked at Ruby who was looking at the woman and clearly biting the insides of her cheeks out of annoyance.

"Don't you think you should join a gym?" Nathan asked making Ruby turn to look at him "you could lose some weight" he added.

This motherfucker.

"Yeah I might" her voice sounded the same yet so different. It's hard to explain but I understand her, I know when she's sad even if she doesn't show it. It's just something I have for her and only her.

After a while she placed her glass down on a table "excuse me, I'll just go use the bathroom" She excused herself with a beautiful smile on her face as she made her way to the bathroom.

Amy bumped her shoulder with mine making me look at her "go, I'll stay here and distract them a bit" I smiled and nodded "I owe you this" I said to her and she nodded "yes you do" she responded making me laugh.

I left the group and made my way to the bathroom she went in. I knocked on the door and opened it slowly, seeing her looking at herself in the mirror.

I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I went towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

She let out a sigh and rested her head back on my shoulder then closed her eyes "what Nathan said was dumb" I said kissing the side of her face "don't listen to him. I don't want you to get affected and then stop eating. Gain weight, who the fuck cares? If you're happy then fuck it"

"You really think so?" She asked quietly still not lifting her head off my shoulder "yes baby. I'll always love you, even if you were a tree but please don't listen to what he's saying and feel the need to lose weight. Fuck him and what he says. If you wanna lose weight then do it for yourself, not for him"

She lifted her head off my shoulders and I just realized what I said.

I dropped the fucking L bomb on her.

Why would I do that right now?

"Um I should go back. Leave the bathroom after a bit of me leaving so no one suspects anything" She said and I nodded "okay"


"Hey.." Ruby turned to look at me and swallowed visibly "..can I talk to you about something? It's about school" I said since she was talking to a few people.

She nodded and followed behind as I stood away from everyone.

"I'm sorry I said that. I don't know what came into my mind" I said to her nervously. I didn't want to ruin anything we have between us.

She took a deep breathe then spoke up.

"Love was always so hard for me.." I looked up at her as my lips parted at what she said. I know we might have disagreements but I didn't expect it to lead to us ending things.

Then I saw a smile rise on her face as she reached out to hold my hand tightly "..but you made it so much easier and more beautiful than I even expected"

I let out a sigh of relief at what she said as she smiled rubbing her thumb over my knuckles since we can't kiss right now "I love you"

She pulled her hand back "go enjoy your night and don't overthink it. I love you and I always will" I smiled and nodded my head "okay, I love you too"

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