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Jordan's POV

I woke up hearing someone hardly knocking on my door. I cannot have peace in this house.

I groaned and stood up, barely having my eyes opened as I made my way towards the door. I opened it to see Olivia dressed up "thank fucking god you opened the door and why aren't dressed yet?!" She whisper yelled to me.

"Why would I be dressed? I was asleep" I said still half asleep. I was just so tired. After I finished school, I went to practice for at least two hours to make up for what I missed. The coach didn't tell me I had to but I felt like I did.

"The guests?! They're gonna be here in like two minutes!" My eyes widened at what she said then I remembered what my dad said yesterday. He's going to fuck me up, oh my god.

"Shit shit I'll be downstairs in a bit" I closed the door and ran to my closet. I took a suit and put it on. I tried to make my tie but I just did it really quickly.

I ran downstairs to hear people talking in the living room. I went towards it to see my mom, dad, Olivia, some guy and..Mrs.Diaz.

My eyes met hers as we just looked at each other shocked but she stood up alongside the guy next to her who I'm assuming is her husband that put his hand out for me to shake which I did.

She did the same "nice to see you again" she said smiling politely "oh yes..Olivia has informed us that she is your teacher when she got here, what a great surprise. Am I right?" My mom said as she made her way towards me.

I was confused but then she started fixing my tie and collar for me. She put her hand on my cheek and smiled softly making me smile with my eyebrows frowned a little.

I didn't know if I wanted to cry or not. Just that touch from my mom made me feel like I'm getting the mom that cared about me a lot again. The one that made me feel loved.

I sat down next to Olivia and I kept taking glances at Mrs.Diaz. She was wearing a black dress that was showing her perfect curves, the dress moving up to the middle of her thigh because she has her legs crossed, she had red lipstick on as she spoke with a big smile on her face.

I couldn't help but smile at her every move. She just seemed so confident and comfortable talking to new people..I mean she is a teacher.

My dad didn't say a single word to me since I came here. I knew he was mad at me for not being here to greet our guests at first but I was really tired.

"Is anyone hungry?" My dad asked. I was starving but I was worried if I said I was hungry everyone would say they aren't yet and I would be embarrassed so I just stayed quiet to see what everyone is going to say.

"Honestly I'm starving" the guy who's name is Nathan said. Everyone stood up and I waited for everyone to leave before I made my way to the dining room.

I sat down next to Olivia and waited for the food. The housekeepers brought the food and we started eating.

"So how is Jordan doing in school?" I knew this was coming at some point.

I looked up at Mrs.Diaz, waiting for her to answer my dad's question. She looked at me and smiled "she's an amazing student and she's such a kind soul, you raised an amazing gentlewoman" she said making me smile.

I never knew words can ever mean so much to me until now.

I switched my attention to my dad, hoping to see any sign of him being proud of me or anything like that but he just nodded as he had a straight face "but I'm sure Olivia is being amazing as well right?" My smile died at what he asked.

Why can't anything be only about me for once?

I looked at Mrs.Diaz one more time before looking down at my food. She noticed my mood change and frowned slightly while she was looking at my dad.

"That's doubtable" she answered making me look up at her then at Olivia who tried her best to keep a smile on her face and not be rude since my parents are here.

"But I'm sure she's at least better than Jordan. I mean everyone is" my heart sunk at my dad's words.

I took a deep breathe and looked down at my food again. I don't want to eat anymore.

"Now that's not doubtable.." I looked up at Mrs.Diaz, that itself was going to make me cry. Of course Olivia is better than me. Everyone is like my dad said.

"..Olivia is a decent student but Jordan is an amazing one. It's not doubtable that Jordan is better than Olivia and I'm not trying to put anyone down but Jordan is very respectful, unlike Olivia who barely attends any of my classes for me to even judge who she is"

I didn't think that was going to be the answer.

"Of course she is. Jordan is very well raised" I looked at my mom and smiled seeing what she's trying to hint for since she mostly raised me on her own and my dad barely had any part in my life.

After a bit of everyone talking, I stood up to take my plate to the kitchen "thank you for the dinner" I heard Mrs.Diaz say as I made my way to the kitchen.

I started to throw the remaining of the food that I barely took a bite of and heard the sound of heels get closer to the kitchen "hi" I turned to look at the person to see her.

I smiled as I placed my plate in the sink "hey" I said to her. She had her plate in her hand so I held it "I can take it" I said just to be polite. She's a guest.

"No it's fine.." she put her hand on mine that was holding the plate making my heart beat a little faster at the suddenly contact of her skin to mine "..I can take care of it"

She made her way towards the sink and placed it in it "thank you for complimenting me out there Mrs.Diaz. I really appreciate that"

She turned to look at me and smiled "please call me Ruby when we're not in school.." pretty name for a pretty girl like her.

"..and of course, they deserve to hear the truth after all" she said wanting to leave the kitchen. I held her arm gently making her turn to look at me "do you really mean all what you said?" I was praying that she did.

Then I saw her smile widely. She giggled and nodded, holding my hand that I removed from her arm. She rubbed it softly "of course I did.."

"..I meant every single word of it"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now