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Ruby's POV

After i finished everything I had to do in school, I excused myself to the principal and left immediately to go check on Jordan.

On my way there, I kept calling her and texting her but she still didn't answer.

I finally got to the apartment building and parked my car. I got out and made my way to the apartment.

I unlocked the door and walked in, closing the door behind me.

My eyes landed on Jordan who was sitting on the stool chair behind the kitchen island. She had two empty bottles of beer in front of her and a full one in her hand.

"Jay.." she had her elbow resting on the island as she made a fist with her hand and rested the side of her head on it "..what's wrong?"

I didn't hear a single word leave her mouth since I first walked in.

And I just walked to her, taking the bottle of beer from her hand gently and going around the island to the fridge and placing it in it then throwing the two empty bottles away.

I put my keys on the counter and went to her, holding her waist from behind "come with me baby" she slowly got off the stool and I kept holding her as I walked her towards the couch.

She sat down and I sat down next to her "why didn't you come to school today?" I asked making sure to sound soft.

Her eyes were stuck to the floor but they look so tired, she looks so exhausted.

"Please talk to me baby" I put my hand on her cheek and made her look at me.

"Say anything baby, please" I felt like crying. I was so scared because she looks really tired. I just don't want anything bad to happen to her.

I waited for an answer but she didn't tell me anything.

I took my phone out of my pocket "I'm gonna call Amy, is that okay?" She nodded weakly and rested her forehead on my shoulder as I called Amy.

She answered immediately "is she okay?" She asked with worry in her voice. I looked down at her and softly scratched her head with my nails "No she's not. Can you come to the apartment?"

"Yes of course. I'm on my way" I hung up and placed my phone on the couch then looked down at her head, kissing it softly.

She didn't even hug me. She looked weak and fragile.

I heard a knock on the door "it's opened" the door opened and Amy walked in "Jay?" She said after closing the door and walking towards us.

I remove my arm from around her and Amy cupped Jordan's face making her look at her "do you want us to leave you alone?" Was the first thing Amy asked. Jordan nodded and I looked at Amy "what-" she cut me off "I'll take you to your bedroom, okay?"

Amy stood up and helped Jordan up. I followed them in case they needed help. I stood by the door as I watched Amy help Jordan get under the blanket then covering her with it.

It's cute how Amy is always there to take care of Jordan.

She seems to understand her more than I ever could and it's understandable considering they've been friends for a long time.

Amy walked past me and I closed the bedroom door quietly as I followed Amy to the living room.

I sat down on the couch across from her "she's going through an episode. She had them a few times and one of them was last year when one of our friends passed away but I don't know what got her into an episode now, she actually seemed really happy. There are a lot of things that can trigger an episode though"

"Like what?" My heart sunk at the words leaving her mouth. I wanted to know what triggered them so I can at least be able to stop it from happening again if that's even possible.

"Death of a loved one, quitting treatment but I know that's not it, divorce, changes in hormones, traumatic events...those are the ones I know of"

"Do you think it might be because of..Olivia?" I asked hesitantly. I was hoping that Olivia stopped doing things to Jordan.

"It can be" Amy answered sadly.

I want to kill Olivia for everything she's making Jordan go through.

"I can't leave her alone" I said and Amy nodded "and you won't. She can't be left alone. I know that she has a lot of..bad thoughts when she's going through an episode. I don't want anything bad to happen to her"

I swallowed hardly and nodded my head "I'm gonna stay with her" I reassured Amy and she nodded "that's good"


A few days went by and Jordan's state was still the same.

She would say a few words and give me a weak smile every now and then but I know she feels too tired to even smile.

And I hate how she still thinks about me when she's the one going through a really hard stage in her life.

I don't hate the fact that she cares about me and loves me, I hate the fact that she cares about me more than she cares about herself.

I helped her shower because I just wanted to help do some basic things that she's struggling to do because of the episode she's going through.

Now, I made her her favorite food which is chicken nuggets and fries. I find it unbelievably cute how obsessed she is with this little meal. She loves it so much.

I placed it in front of her on the island and put another plate in front of her so she can use it for the ketchup and mayonnaise she likes to eat with it.

I sat down on a stool next to her and took a chicken nuggets, blowing on it so it gets colder then moved it to her mouth that she weakly opened.

She took a small bite and I smiled at her, placing my hand on her back "good job, pretty" I praised just to make sure she knows that she's doing good.

I searched up on how to help a person during a depressive episode and I'm trying to do everything I saw.

I try to let her stay alone in the bedroom because she seems to like being alone during an episode but I always stay in the living room in case she needs anything or in case anything happens.

I also read that reminding her that she's good enough might be able to help her with the bad thoughts she might be having so I try my best to praise her whenever she does small simple tasks.

I try having her leave the house for at least a small walk which successfully happened for one or two times.

Amy has been telling her parents that she's going to school but she wants to stay at Amy's place just so they don't suspect why she hasn't been home.

But Nathan, I don't know about him and I don't care.

When Amy comes around, I go back home and either have sex with him knowing it'll shut him up for a few days which worked but before a few hours I just made him food and placed it in the fridge then told him I'm staying at my mom's house.

He doesn't have her number, she doesn't like him and refused to have his number so he won't be suspicious about anything.

I just want to stay here and take care of my girl.

Let's get back to what I'm trying to do to help her.

I asked her if she wants to go to school and she said she'll see if she can and I left her answer at that, not wanting to force her to do something she doesn't want to do.

I know I said I try to not leave the apartment or leave her alone in it but I do that whenever I go to school knowing that she's asleep the whole time I'm there.

Also, I make sure she tries to take care of herself or at least mention something she wants to do but can't do it herself. Like once she asked me to help her brush her teeth and of course I did, I'm just glad she's trying to take care of herself in any possible way.

Whenever we're sitting together, I noticed that she likes when I'm being a quiet presence as she watches tv and I always am.

I'm trying to do everything I can just to help her through this.

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