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Jordan's POV

"Calm down baby, calm down.." Ruby said and squeezed my shoulder to comfort me "..I'm gonna open it now, okay?" She said talking about my report card.

I didn't see it. I wasn't ready to see an "F" next to every subject. I really wanted to graduate so I can go to college and so Ruby and I aren't a secret anymore.

"Okay" I watched her expressions as she looked at my report card "what? Did I fail again?" I asked her. She laughed and shook her head "you did amazing baby. B plus on almost everything, just one C minus but still amazing"

I took the report card and stared at it in disbelief "there is no way I actually got these grades" I said smiling widely.

Ruby smiled and hugged me tightly "I'm so proud of you baby, so proud" I smiled into the hug and closed my eyes, feeling my whole body relax into her touch.

"Now i can show you off to people" I said making her laugh. She kissed the side of my head "I love you"


So I told my parents about the apartment and told them I might be moving there completely so Ruby and I can have our privacy.

Ruby invited her mom over for dinner and I don't mind at all. I love her mom, she's been nothing but supportive of our relationship and Ruby felt safe because of the fact that her mom is on our side with this relationship and the whole pregnancy thing.

"The food is almost ready" I said and wrapped my arms around Ruby from behind "thank you for cooking tonight, I appreciate that"

"Of course baby, anytime" she said she was a little exhausted from the pregnancy. She has been feeling amazing in the beginning of it. We would go swimming or on a run and she's just having fun but she's been feeling sick and tired recently.

It happened during the final exams. I think it's because she had so much work to do that it overwhelmed her and stressed her out so much.

And because of that, I suggested that I should make dinner so she can take a shower and rest a little.

"I'm gonna go get dressed and do my hair" she said turning to look at me. She smiled and pecked my lips "my mom is probably here" she said about the noise. I honestly did not hear it at all "oh yeah, I'll go open the door for her"

I left the room and went towards the door. I opened it and looked at Ruby's mother "hi Jordan" she said giving me a beautiful smile "hey" I smiled back and gave her a hug.

I invited her in and we sat in the living room, talking a little and waiting for Ruby to finish doing her hair and get dressed so we can all eat together.

"Sorry it took me long" I looked behind me to see Ruby in a pretty dress making me smile as I watched her walking towards her mom and hugging her.

Her mom looked down at the baby bump and smiled "I'm gonna be a grandma" she said and I smiled, standing up "the best grandma" Ruby said squeezing her mom's hand.

I smiled at the interaction and went to the kitchen so I can set the food on the table until they finish talking.

"Dinner is ready" I said and they stood up. We sat around the table, Ruby and I next to each other and her mom sitting in front of us.

"I wanted to talk to you about something.." what her mom said was kind of pointed at her so I just placed some food in each of their plates.

"..I'm dating someone" Ruby's eyes widened "what? Who? Do I know them?" She asked which made me smile and her mom laugh "his name is Mark. He's very attractive, he treats me very very well, has an amazing personality and is an amazing father"

We talked and they seemed to like the food I made which I was very glad about.

Ruby does almost all the cooking because I kind of suck but since she told me about her being tired and exhausted, I started learning how to cook from YouTube then I bought a cooking book and things like that.

Of course I tried to make a couple of meals before handing it to another human being so I don't get blamed for poisoning someone.

I can't lie, some of it was pretty bad but I tried a couple of more times and I got better.


"Hey leave it.." I said taking the dishes from Ruby and placing them in the sink "..I'll do it, just go get ready for bed and I'll be there in a bit" I said pecking her lips.

"I just wanna help. You were amazing today and the food was so good, also the desert was a very unexpected surprise. You did a lot of things and I wanna help you-" I cupped her face and kissed her "you do this almost everyday" I said.

She laughed "I don't make desert" I laughed at what she said "doesn't matter. You make me your amazing fucking food and you have been doing that for months now. A one day break wouldn't hurt and I like doing this a lot actually, I might keep making you food and letting you get some rest.." I pulled her closer to me and she smiled at me "..just go rest baby"

"I love you so much" Ruby said putting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head "I love you more"


"Do you think I'm gonna be a good mom?" Ruby asked as we laid on the bed facing each other. I was gently playing with her hair.

"Are you kidding me? You're gonna be amazing. You're gonna be the best mom ever. Oh my god I can't wait for baby Ruby or baby Jay, it's gonna be so exciting and nice and adorable. Oh my god"

Ruby laughed at my excitement and kissed my nose "I can't believe I even have someone as good as you" she said rubbing my cheek softly "you're too good to me" she added.

"Shut up. I'm literally blessed to have you. You're so perfect and you're just everything anyone could ever wish for. You're beautiful, you're sweet, you're nice, you're intelligent...you're just perfect"

She blushed at what I said and placed her forehead on mine "I know I say it all the time.." she said closing her eyes with a smile on her face "..but I really really love you"

I smiled at what she said and pecked her lips "I love you more"

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