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Jordan's POV

"We have a gathering tomorrow night" my mom said breaking the uncomfortable silence we were in while we were eating dinner together.

"Oh..is it like big?" My mom nodded her head "it is considered big. Your teacher will also be there, I hope it's not awkward between you two" she chuckled and I smiled shaking my head "it's not. She's really nice"

She's the love of my life too.

Yes, the love of my life.

It's impossible to not fall in love with someone like Ruby. She's so perfect.

"You're playing your first game after your injury next week. I need you to win it since you got idiotically injured" my dad said. My mom sighed loudly at what he said but she didn't say anything.

I looked down at my food and nodded "I will win"

I finished my food and stood up, going up to my room and closing the door.

I just want to stay in that apartment with Ruby for the rest of my life and never see my dad ever again.

He treats me like I'm not even his daughter.

Anytime I'm happy, he would ruin it just like he did a few minutes ago.

I took my phone and called Ruby.

Hearing her voice is going to make me feel so much better. I just know it.

She answered after a few seconds "hi baby" I heard her say. A smile formed on my face "hey"

"You don't sound okay. Did you take your pills?" She asked and I nodded "I did, it's just my dad. He's being a complete ass, nothing unusual"

"What happened? What did he say to you?" I took a deep breathe and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes "he said I need to win my next game since it's my first game after I got 'idiotically injured' like he said"

"That doesn't make any sense. It's not your fault"

Talking to her about my problems felt so good. She's the best listener and has always said something that made me feel better.

We had a little talk about everything.

I told her when my depression started and it's like I couldn't stop talking to her about it.

Talking to her was even better than talking to a therapist.

I'm so glad she told me to talk to her about things. I felt like there was a weight that got off my shoulders when I spoke to her about these things.

It's just having a healthy romantic relationship with someone is so new to me and I didn't know how to act.

"It really isn't your fault baby" I smiled at her reassurance "I know. Thank you for saying that. I lo-" I stopped myself from completing what I was going to say.

You can't just tell her you love her like that.

Especially not on the fucking phone Jordan.

"What did you say at the end beautiful? I think your voice cute off or something" she said and I shook my head "nothing. I heard you're coming to my house tomorrow for some gathering"

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna wear a really nice dress just for you" she said making me smile "can't wait to see it"

"What are you gonna wear?" She asked. I shrugged "I have no idea"

"Okay okay I have an idea" she said excitedly making me laugh "seems like you've been waiting for me to say I don't know what to wear but go ahead love, tell me what you want to see me in"

"Okay so I was thinking a fully black suit. You can open the first few buttons which will show your neck and you're gonna have a golden chain on cause that's hot and wear some gold rings too. You'll look so good even if it's some basic shit but you will steal everyone's heart"

Before I even got to say anything she spoke again "wait no never mind, I don't want you stealing everyone's heart. You're mine. Just wear some shorts and a shirt" she said making me laugh.

"Doesn't matter if I steal people's heart like you say. You got my heart and that's all that matters. Fuck the other people, you're my girl and you're all I need in my life"

"You're so cute" I felt my cheeks heat up at what she said "okay then wear the full black suit, that was a cute little speech that you gave" she added.

"Okay I will.." we stayed in comfortable silence for a bit before I broke it "..also that dress? Does it show more of your ass or boobs?" I asked making her laugh "both"

"Oh yes mommy" I said in a sarcastic tone earning a laugh from her "you make me laugh"

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