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Jordan's POV

"Mrs.Diaz?" She hummed and looked up at me as she was sitting behind her desk. She smiled making me smile "are you gonna come to the basketball game tonight?"

I really wanted her to be there. Like I wanted to impress her so badly.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a game on your birthday" she said smirking a little. I didn't know you knew about my birthday.

"It's kinda creepy that you know that" I said laughing. She shrugged her shoulders "I saw your birthday when I was checking the files" she said standing up and putting her things back in her bag.

"So you know everyone's birthday?" I just wanted to tease her. It's kinda cute that she knows my birthday.

She shook her head "not really, just yours" she said truthfully. I nodded "thank you for being honest ma lady" I said making her laugh "anytime"

"And yes, I'll be the first one there" she said, answering my first question. I smiled, nodding my head.

As I was leaving the class, she called for me making me stop and turn to look back at her "I kinda bought you something for your birthday" my heart just melted.

She took a box from her drawer and handed it to me "they're not very expensive but I just thought you might like them" I don't give a single shit how much it cost. The thought itself is making me happy.

I opened the box to see two bracelets. One of them was colorful and the other one was black. They weren't thin and they weren't wide either, it was just perfect.

And the other thing was wrist bands for both of my wrists, they were black but had a little heart on them.

"Thank you so much.." I looked back at her and smiled "..I love them"

I wore the bracelets and she smiled widely "can I give you a hug?" I asked and she nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Take care of yourself Jay.." she whispered not pulling back from the hug. I felt her scratched my head gently making me smile "..you're very important, just remember that"

It's like she knows.

She pulled back but still had her arms around my neck as she stood on the tip of her toes. I looked down at her lips as she did the same.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I saw her bite her lip nervously. I felt her hand on the back of my neck, kind of pulling me closer to her but not too harshly.

"You're so hard to resist" she said quietly "you are too"

Then she kissed me.

Wait..she kissed me!

Oh my god oh my god.

Okay don't freak out, kiss back and don't get too rough until she wants to get rough and fast.

She pulled back and looked into my eyes "I'm sorry..that was wrong, you have a girlfriend and I'm married.." she pulled back and rubbed her forehead frustratingly. She walked back to her desk and gave me her back.

I held her hand and turned her around then kissed her again. What am I doing? I have absolutely no idea.

But she kissed back.

She was resting back on her desk as I gripped her waist and she wrapped her arms tighter around my neck.

I bit her bottom lip gently, asking for permission to enter my tongue in her mouth. She opened her mouth, letting out a small moan as she let me put my tongue in her mouth.

This is actually happening. Holy shit.

I pulled back from the kiss, looking at her as she still had her eyes tightly closed while she was breathing heavily.

She opened her eyes "what just happened?" She asked still panting "I don't know but I really liked it" I said letting out a laugh.

Her hands fell from my shoulders and she looked down, pushing me back gently and I took that as a signal to pull my hands back and let her have her space.

She sighed "I don't think that was a good idea" she said which made me get that weird painful feeling in my chest, it wasn't nice.

"Oh" I said smiling, trying to hide the fact that my heart just broke. She saw me get a little sad and stepped closer to me "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault..I just- I'm married, you have a girlfriend, you're my student and I'm your freaking teacher"

"Yeah it's okay..it's fine" I said to her. She tilted her head to the side and frowned her eyebrows "I'm so sorry" she apologized.

I shook my head and kept a smile on my face "don't apologize, it's okay"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now