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Jordan's POV

"Baby?" I called out when I didn't see her in the living room. She's usually there waiting for me when I'm not home but she's not.

I put my bag down and went to the bedroom to check on her "Ruby!" I called again "I'm in here" I heard her say so I went towards the bathroom.

I opened the door and peeked my head to see her sitting on the floor with her knees up to her chest as she had her head resting back on the wall "are you okay baby?" I asked.

She sighed and a tear slipped out of her eye as she looked down at the floor "I was feeling a bit sick for a few days. I didn't pay much attention to it but then my period was late so I decided to take a pregnancy test and.. it's positive"

My stomach dropped at what she said "what?" She pointed at it over the sink. I took it and saw the two lines. She stood up and sniffed "maybe it's wrong"

She frowned her eyebrows and opened the drawer showing like 4 positive pregnancy test "do you see this?" She asked showing me all the pregnancy tests "all of them are positive" she said angrily.

I nodded my head "yeah I can see that" I scratched the back of my neck nervously "maybe if you pulled out and didn't fucking cum inside of me this wouldn't have happened!" She yelled.

I swallowed nervously as I nervously played with my fingers and my shoulders were tense since I got nervous from all of this.

"You told me it's okay" I said quietly. She moved her fingers through her hair "I know I'm sorry. I'm just having weird mood swings"

I nodded my head "I know. It's okay but what..what are we gonna do? It's gonna show a baby bump and you said you didn't have sex with Nathan for a long time"

"We have to go to my mom" she said walking out of the bathroom "are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked following her to the bedroom.

"That's the only thing we can do. She's the only one that might be accepting" she said taking out some sweatpants and an oversized shirt "are we gonna go now?" I asked her and she nodded "yes we are"

I nodded "okay" I waited for her to finish changing then we went outside to her car. I got in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on as she did the same.

She started driving to her mother's place which was hours away from here and didn't say a single word to me.

I looked at her to at least try and understand what emotions her face is showing but I couldn't see any emotion. She was just resting her elbow on the door while holding the steering wheel as she rubbed the side of her head in frustration.

"I'm not mad at you" she spoke still looking at the road "I'm just scared" she added sniffing "I'm really scared too" I said as tears left my eyes.

"I know you are" she said quietly. She put her hand on my thigh and rubbed it softly. I put my hand over hers and gripped it for comfort.

We stayed quiet for a bit then she broke it "you know I always wanted a baby.." I looked at her and saw her smiling as she looked at the road "..I just wanted us to have one when you finish school and when we're able to tell people about us"

I nodded my head and wiped my tears "that's understandable. I'm sorry, I want to have a baby with you but I'm with what you said about having one after I finish school"

She put her hand on the back of my neck and rubbed it softly "don't apologize. You always asked me if I wanted you to use a condom and if you can..you know finish inside of me?" She said laughing awkwardly making me smile "it's not your fault. I'm sorry for saying that earlier, I was just in shock"

"Yeah I know. It's okay" I said smiling at her. I felt my body relax a little "let's listen to some music, yeah?" She said and I nodded my head "okay"

She gave me her phone since it was already connected to the car.

I put on "dreaming of you" by cigarettes after sex then rested my head back on the seat looking out the window.


Ruby let out a breathe then knocked on the door. I was standing behind her a bit to the side, holding her shirt.

I'm acting like a fucking kid but I'm so scared of meeting her mom. What if she doesn't like me at all? What if she thinks I'm not pretty? What if she thinks I have a bad personality? What if she thinks I'm not good for Ruby?

I took a deep breathe then heard someone open the door "hi sweetie. I didn't know you're coming here" she said giving Ruby a hug and I let go of Ruby's shirt.

"I'm sorry for not telling you" she said backing away from the hug "it's okay and..who's that?" Her mom asked looking at me "that's Jordan.." Ruby said looking at me. She took a deep breathe and a long ass pause "..my girlfriend" she said nervously looking back at her mom.

"Oh" her mom said then she smiled "it's very nice to meet you Jordan" it sounded fake but it's understandable I guess "it's nice to meet you too"

"We have something really important to talk to you about" Ruby said and her mom stepped to the side letting us in. I just followed behind Ruby not knowing what I'm supposed to do.

She sat down on the couch and I sat down next to her. Her mom sat in front of us "how old are you Jordan?" Her mom asked me "I'm 19" I said and she nodded "okay"

"My mom doesn't like Nathan so it's okay, she doesn't hate you for dating me while I'm married" Ruby reassured and her mom nodded "I hate that man so much but I still don't know you Jordan, I'm not gonna trust you immediately"

"It's okay, that's okay" I said nervously making her smile "what college do you go to?" She asked and I looked at Ruby who held my hand without even looking at me, knowing I'm going to stay quiet so I don't say something she doesn't want me to say.

"She goes to school. She's a senior" her mom's face fell then she stood up "I wanna talk to you Ruby, alone" she said walking away.

Ruby sighed and looked down, shaking her head and rubbing the side of her head "I'll be back" she said standing up and following her mom.

Ruby's POV

"You're her teacher, aren't you?" My mom said closing the door to her bedroom "yes but mom-" she cut me off "are you insane?! You can get in so much trouble because of this. You're dating your student for fuck's sake. Didn't you say you were happy at your job and didn't want to lose it?!"

"I know I said that mom but I love Jordan, I'm so in love with her and she makes me so happy. I tried to wait until she graduated but I couldn't. I wasn't planning on telling you knowing this is how you're gonna react but-" she cut me off "But what?!"

"I'm pregnant mom. It's her baby" I yelled, my chest rising and falling heavily "I'm so confused" she said rubbing the side of her head "she's intersex. She has a..you know but I'm pregnant. I'm 100% sure it's hers since I didn't have sex with Nathan for months now"

"What are you gonna do?" She asked me. I shrugged "that's why I came to you"

She closed her eyes and sighed "let's go back to Jordan. She's probably shaking in her boots right now" I said and she nodded.

I left the room and went back to Jordan. She looked at me and I smiled at her, sitting down next to her then taking her hand in mine.

"Hey calm down.." I said to her feeling her sweaty shaky hands "..everything is gonna be okay" I said to her, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.

"Ruby told me about things and why you're here"

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