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Jordan's POV

I held Ruby's hand as I walked her inside of my house.

The doctor said everything is fine with the baby and I'm glad. I don't want my Ruby and our baby to get hurt.

We had to face my parents at some point. I suggested staying at my apartment for a while until things calm down but she wanted to do it today, wanting to clear that out of the way.

"Mom? Dad?" I heard an answer from my mom coming from the living room so I went towards it with Ruby seeing them sitting down on the couch.

I sat down and Ruby sat down next to me. We all stayed quiet for a bit, awkward silence taking over but I was too nervous to break it and say something.

"Mister and Misses Diaz..I'm sorry for having to hide this from you for a very long time but-" Ruby was cut off by my dad speaking up "how could you date my daughter?" He asked angrily.

I looked at Ruby who looked down at the floor to avoid my dad's gaze as she nervously played with her fingers.

Looking back at my dad with a frown on my face seeing how upset Ruby looked at those 6 words "she's your student, younger than you and you're married" he spoke loudly.

"What kind of slutty shit is that?" My eyes widened at his words "don't talk to her like that" I said raising my voice at him. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me "and now you're yelling at me? Wow, what did Ruby do to you?" I laughed in disbelief. What does she have to do with me yelling at him? I'm yelling because I'm not going to let him or anyone else disrespect my girl like that.

I stood up "I'm yelling at you because your fucking ass shouldn't be talking to her like that" he stood up and pointed his finger at me "don't talk to me like that" he threatened "or what? You'll stand with my rapist? Oh wait you already did that"

I can tell that took him off guard.

"She cheated on her husband with you. Are you not ashamed of that? Are you not worried that she's gonna cheat on you or whatever?" He asked completely ignoring what I said "no I'm fucking not. She cheated on a man that fucked different girls every week, isn't that also cheating? She also married him against her will, she didn't wanna marry him, her dad forced her to"

"I don't give a shit about that. You don't date your teacher that's also married" is he not listening to a single word I'm saying?

"I don't give a fuck about anything you'll say. She's MY girlfriend and she's carrying MY baby. I'm staying with her my whole entire life wether we stayed in a relationship or not. I'll stay in her life as a girlfriend or wife or just simply a parent for our baby. I don't care about what you say, I love her and you gotta accept it"

"She's pregnant with your baby?" My mom asked. That was the first thing she said since I walked in with Ruby.

I nodded my head not saying anything. She stood up and I gulped nervously. I wanted my mom to accept our relationship more than my dad.

She came towards me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and relaxed into the hug, hugging her tightly "I can't believe this" my dad said leaving the living room.

I backed away from the hug and looked at Ruby who was smiling at us as she sat down with her hands between her thighs.

I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug "this is a dream come true" my mom said making us laugh.

We backed away from the hug and looked at my mom as Ruby rested her head on my shoulder, keeping her arm around my waist.

"I've always wanted to be a grandma" she said as tears left her eyes making me laugh again. I rested my head on top of Ruby's "also I approve of this relationship because Ruby is a good person and I know that you'll treat my daughter right just please be careful about being caught and things like that but you're welcome to stay here in our house. Her dad can't say anything, I won't let him"

I looked at Ruby who smiled wiping her tears "thank you but I'll just go back to my house-" I shook my head "you're not going back in there, you're staying with us" I said not wanting to bring up the apartment in front of my mom since she doesn't know about it.

Ruby smiled and nodded her head, looking at my mom with a smile on her face "thank you so much Misses Cruz" my mom smiled at her and held her hand "of course Ruby"

"Come on, let's get some rest" I said placing my hand on her back making her look at me "okay. Goodnight Misses Cruz"

"Call me Penelope please. You're still my friend" Ruby laughed and nodded "okay. Goodnight Penelope"

I went upstairs with Ruby to my room and locked my door "you okay love?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and resting my chin on her shoulder "I am okay. More than okay. I feel so relieved because of the way your mom reacted but your dad..i don't know"

I kissed her neck softly "fuck him. As long as he has a big part of my life, he's just gonna keep ruining it so the moment I leave high school, he's out of the picture"

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