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Ruby's POV

"Are you guys ready for the test?" I asked my students as I took the pile of papers off my desk "also don't try to cheat, there are three different tests that have different questions so don't cheat the wrong answers" I said jokingly making them crack a smile.

I started giving them their papers and got to Jordan's desk. I put the test on her desk making her look up at me. I gave her a soft smile and she returned a weak one which broke my heart.

I continued giving out the tests then the door opened when I finished giving them out "I'm here for the test" Olivia said going towards her desk but I stopped her "you won't be taking it"

I still feel guilty for not acting up on what happened yesterday.

Nothing will ever make up for yesterday but if I could, I would punch the living fuck out of her right now.

"What? Why?" She asked and I shrugged "maybe because you're late for the..15th time" I wouldn't have done that to any other student but her, I'm just getting started with her.

"You can't do that" she said laughing and I nodded, smiling at her and tilting my head slightly to the side "yes I can. My classroom, my rules. Now, make your way to the principal's office"

"What the fuck did I do?!" she raised her voice and I still smiled at her, keeping a calm tone "for cussing and raising your voice at me"

"That's not fair" she said and I crossed my arms over my chest "don't start talking about what's fair and what's not, Olivia" she just looked at me with a confused look on her face.

Oh let me enlighten you bitch. You doing that to Jordan when she has been nothing but amazing to absolutely everyone around her is fucking unfair.

She just shook her head "you're a bitch" she said. I raised my eyebrows at what she said "go complain to daddy about it" this is definitely something a teacher shouldn't say to a student but I don't care.

"What the fuck is up your ass?" I took a deep breathe and contained myself from just punching her in the fucking throat "why don't you leave so my students can focus on their test?"

Olivia rolled her eyes and walked out of the class. I sighed and turned to look at everyone "I'm sorry for that, I'll give you extra time for your test" I said to them.

My eyes locked with Jordan's beautiful eyes. She smiled at me and her cheeks turned red a little as she looked down at her paper.

She's adorable.

I sat down on my desk and started doing some paper work I had, waiting for them to finish their exams.

"Misses Diaz?" I looked up from my desk and smiled at Jordan who had her hand raised "can you help me with something?" She asked politely as I noticed her leg bouncing up and down nervously. I just nodded and stood up, walking towards her.

"What is it?" She pointed at a question and I explained it to her as much as I could have without giving her the answer. I want to but I'm not going to, she needs to do this on her own.


"Can I kiss you?" My eyes widened at what Jordan said and I went to close the door quietly "at least close the door" I said to her and she came towards me, kissing me roughly and pulling me closer to her.

"What was that about?" I asked her "for what you said and did to Olivia" she said pecking my lips.

She held my hand and walked me towards my desk. I rested back on the desk and she held my waist, looking into my eyes "I don't want you to feel guilty about what happened and I'm really sorry for talking to you like that when you were just trying to comfort me"

"Don't apologize, I understand that it was hard for you and I'm an asshole for not stopping her-" she shook her head and shut me up with a kiss "it's okay"

"It's not okay, at all. I'm an adult and I should've acted up on it, I should've stopped her" the guilt is going to eat me alive. I'm such an asshole.

She cupped my face "listen pretty girl. I know you feel bad but I'm telling you right now that I might not be feeling amazing but I am when I'm with you. I feel amazing, I forget about Olivia and every other single thing that I hate in my life when I'm with you. Life with you is..amazing"

"But it still doesn't make what happened okay" I said and she nodded "I know but I don't want you to think of that and I don't want it to change anything like..sexually between us. Whatever it's going to be in the future"

I will definitely think of it. Every single day.

My baby is going through so much and I'm supposed to not think about it? I simply can't. I want her to be okay.

I put on a fake smile and nodded even though it's not true. I'm going to think about it but she doesn't have to know. I'm also going to try and help her in any way possible.

I just want her to be happy.

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now