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Jordan's POV

"Hi.." I looked towards the door and saw Ruby walk in class "..thank you for watching them for a bit. Just a bit of traffic outside" she said to the substitute teacher who smiled back at her.

The other teacher left the class and she put her things on the desk, looking around at everyone.

"Okay we're gonna get straight into the lesson since I'm a bit late"

She didn't have energy as usual. She sounded tired. Her eyes were red. She looked a bit pale.

"Is she okay?" Amy whispered to me. I shrugged "I don't know. She looks tired" she nodded her head agreeing with me "she does"

I waited for the class to end and dropped some books intentionally on the floor to give myself more time so people can leave and I can stay behind.

I watched the last person leave then went towards the door to close it "everything okay with you?" She looked at me and smiled, nodding her head "yeah I'm fine"

"Listen I'm sorry if that's what you wanna hear" she took a deep breathe and rested both of her hands on the desk, looking down "it's not that. I just didn't sleep well, that's all"

I saw a bruise on her forearm after her sleeve moved up a little. I went towards her and held her arm "did he do that to you?" I asked and she pulled her arm away from me "no he didn't. I hit my arm to a counter accidentally"

"Baby.." I held her face with my hands and kissed her forehead seeing her close her eyes and relax into my touch as she placed her hands on my forearm.

"..I want you to know that I'm willing to do anything for you because you've done a lot for me and me saying that you don't yesterday was dumb. I'm so sorry I just have problems talking about my emotions but I will when I can"

She opened her eyes and forced a smile on her face since she looked like she wanted to cry "I know, it's okay"

I closed my eyes taking a deep breathe trying to calm myself down. I was mad because I know for a fact that what I said yesterday hurt her and I also know that Nathan hurt her.

I pulled her into my chest and hugged her tightly. I kissed her head "you're so important to me, I just want you to know that" I said and she nodded, tightening her grip around me.

I was being so ignorant about her problems yesterday. I probably made her feel like she can't talk to me about her problems because of what I said.

But I want to prove to her that I am willing to do everything for her just like she's doing for me.


"Hi Nathan"

He visibly and hardly swallowed as I placed the front of the gun on his chin as I stood behind him so he doesn't see me.

He tilted his head back as I pushed the gun harder on his chin.

"Who is this?" He asked nervously "none of your fucking business"

"Please don't kill me" he begged closing his eyes "I won't but only on one condition" he nodded his head "anything just don't kill me"

"If you ever put your hands on Ruby I will ruin your life and I'll know if you do so don't ever try to touch her or hurt her"

He nodded repeatedly "I won't I swear I won't" I smiled and nodded "good boy" I pulled back and placed the gun on his back "I'm gonna leave, don't turn around unless it's been a full minute. If you do turn around, you know what happens" I added.

"I won't turn around" I stepped back still pointing the gun at him then got to the door. I left the place and went to my car.

I put the gun in the glove box then drove to my apartment after texting Ruby and telling her to meet me there so we can talk about everything.

I got to my apartment and sat down. I waited patiently for her then I finally heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door and smiled at her, letting her in.

"Wait" I said. She turned around and I put my hand on her cheek, seeing a small purple spot under her eye. I wiped my thumb under it which removed a bit of the makeup she had on exposing more of the bruise. She moved her face away from my hand and looked down.

"When did he do that to you?" I asked her. She stayed quiet but I asked her again and waited for her to answer "yesterday" she said quietly.

I took her hand and went towards the couch. I sat down and pulled her down with me, wrapping my arm around neck as she wrapped hers around my waist.

"I'm so sorry for everything I said" I said and she shook her head "don't apologize, it's okay"

"No I should apologize.." I pulled her back and looked into her teary eyes "..I was being ignorant, inconsiderate, dumb and a really bad fucking girlfriend. It feels nice to say girlfriend anyways that's not the point. Take the apology because you deserve one, I was the worst person to you and I didn't even think about what I was saying"

"So as an apology.." I stood up and went to the kitchen getting the pizza I ordered, a chocolate box and the flowers I got her then went back to her "..I know this isn't much but I wanted it to be more proper than how you asked me to be your girlfriend"

She took the letter that was in the flowers and opened it.

I saw a smile form on her lips as she sniffed "this is really cute" she said looking at me and kissing my lips "you didn't really..answer the question" I said to her. She laughed "of course I'll be your girlfriend"

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