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(TW:Mention of rape)

Jordan's POV

"Everything is gonna be okay" Amy cupped my face and kissed my nose then placed her forehead on mine "I'll be right there next to you" she reassured and I took a deep breath, nodding my head "okay"

We walked in the house then went to the living room to see if my parents are there and they are but Olivia was with them.

"Okay no" I wanted to turn around but Amy held my hand and stopped me.

My parents were supposed to be alone. I didn't know that Olivia is going to be here.

"Hey babe" Olivia said standing up to come kiss me but Amy stood in front of me to stop her which I am very grateful for.

"What the hell? Move out of the way" Amy shook her head and kept standing in front of me "no" she simply answered.

"What is happening?" My mom asked and I looked at her, looking away from her eyes because I was too nervous about the thing I was going to tell them about.

Amy held my hand and took me towards the couch in front of my parents as Olivia sat down on the one person couch next to the couch my parents were on.

"Jordan is here to tell you something very important" I looked at Amy who held my hand and gripped it knowing it makes my nerves more relaxed.

I looked at my parents who were waiting for me to speak "My relationship with Olivia hasn't been good" I didn't know what to start with and how to say things.

I'm really fucking nervous and scared.

"What? Everything is going fine" Olivia said but Amy stepped in "shut up before I punch you in the fucking throat" she threatened making me smile a little.

I love Amy so much.

"Olivia has been.." I swallowed a lump in my throat before I continued what I was going to say "..forcing me to have sex with her"

I saw Olivia's eyes widen at what I said "what the fuck Jordan?! That never happened" of course she's going to deny raping me.

"It did happen-" Olivia cut me off  "no it didn't. I'm not forcing you to have sex with me, you're willingly doing it"

"And you got the 'willingly' part from what exactly? All I said when you wanted to have sex was either 'I'm not in the mood' or I begged you to stop but guess what? You never fucking listened" I said raising my voice a little as tears gathered in my eyes.

"And a month ago, you made me have a threesome with you and some guy. I didn't want to have sex with some guy and I didn't want to have sex with you either but you still made me do it and it made me feel like dying"

Olivia looked over at my parents then back at me. I looked at my parents and wiped my tears.

My mom looked shocked and my dad..he had zero emotions on his face.

"Is it okay if I ask questions?" My mom asked after a few seconds of silence "yeah it's okay" I said playing nervously with my rings.

"How long has..that been going on?" She asked. Olivia laughed and shook her head in disbelief "it hasn't. She's lying"

My mom looked at Olivia with a disgusted look on her face "I don't think my daughter would lie about something this serious" she spoke making me let out a sigh of relief.

I was terrified about them not believing me.

"Oh come on.." we all looked at my dad who spoke "..it's not serious because she's her fucking girlfriend. Aren't they supposed to have sex?" He asked laughing.

"You have got to be kidding me" Amy said quietly "consensual sex, Andrew" my mom said raising her voice at him.

"You know what.." my mom stood up and put her hand out for me "..let's go up to your room and speak about it alone. Amy is welcomed to come with us but the rest, no"

I smiled at my mom as tears left my eyes. I held her hand and she took me upstairs as Amy followed behind us because I asked her to.

My mom and I sat down next to each other on the edge of the bed as Amy rested back on the wall.

"When did it start happening?" My mom asked holding my hand to comfort me "a few months into our relationship. Not more than 3 months into it"

Tears gathered in my mom's eyes as she held my hand tighter "why didn't you tell us sooner?" She asked with sadness in her voice "because of what dad said a few minutes ago. I was scared you would do that too"

She pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back "you're shaking baby, it's okay. I'm always gonna be on your side" she said reassuringly.

Amy sat on my other side and put her hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly to give me more support.


"Hi love, how did it go?" Ruby said getting off the couch and coming towards me as I stepped into the apartment.

"Good and bad" she frowned her eyebrows and held my hand, pulling my closer to her and wrapping her arms around my neck.

I let out a breathe I was holding and hugged her tighter "do you wanna talk about it?" She asked playing with my hair gently.

"It's just..my mom is amazing, she's on my side and she believed me right away but my dad.." Ruby pulled back from the hug but kept her arms around my neck "..he said that she's my girlfriend so it's not 'serious'."

Ruby's lips parted at what I said and she kissed my cheek "I'm so sorry" she said running her fingers through my hair.

"I just don't understand why he hates me" I said letting tears roll down my cheek "don't say that, he doesn't hate you"

"Yes he does. I haven't heard one nice word from him, ever. He loves Olivia more than he loves me. What am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing and the prove to that is that your mom loves you. He's fucked up for not showing you love especially after you did everything you could just to have a bit of acceptance from him"

"I'm tired from trying to make him love me" I said and she nodded "I know so don't try anymore. He doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you to treat him well. Ignore his existence, don't talk to him or just respond dryly so he knows that you don't care anymore"

"But I do care" Ruby nodded understandingly "I know but he doesn't have to know that. I'm sorry for saying this but your dad is an asshole. If he wasn't this fucked up, I would've told you to keep trying but you have enough problems already and you don't need any more"

"Do whatever makes you feel better. I don't want to see you going through more than you're going through" I nodded my head and swallowed nervously "I'll try"

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