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Jordan's POV

"You scared me over the phone, is everything okay? Are you okay?" I looked up at Ruby and stood up as she rushed towards the bench.

"Everything is fine..well not really" she frowned and held the hand that was wrapped with a soft wrapper "what? Does it hurt? Or is it something else?" She asked sounding worried which made me smile.

She cares even if I was a bitch to her yesterday.

I couldn't gain courage to tell her the same day Amy and Luke found out about us. I was too scared.

But I really wanted to tell her so she doesn't think I'm trying to fool her by telling someone other than Amy.

"I did something really stupid.." I held her hand and sat down, making her sit down on the bench next to me "..and I think you might get mad at me"

"What is it?" She asked rubbing my knuckles "so remember how you told me I can tell Amy about us?" She hummed and nodded "so I did and she was very supportive...but Luke was there and he heard it but I didn't know he was there and if I did know he was there I wouldn't have said anything" I said the last part quickly to get it over with.

"What?" She pulled her hand away from mine "oh my god Jordan" she looked away from me and I moved a bit closer to her, putting my hand on her lower back.

"I made sure he wouldn't say anything and he's a good guy, he wouldn't say anything also Amy threatened to slit his throat if he did tell anyone and he's really scared of her" I said laughing at the last part hoping she would laugh too but she didn't.

She looked at me and sighed "this is serious Jordan. I need you to understand how much it would affect my whole life if people find out about us"

"I do understand and I'm taking it very seriously, I promise I never meant for him to know. He just walked out of the bathroom which fucking shocked me, I'm so sorry"

She closed her eyes and tilted her head down. I frowned and kissed the side of her head "I'm really sorry"

Ruby looked back at me and pecked my lips "it's okay, I understand that you didn't know he was there but please be more careful"

"I promise I will"


"Can you stay after class Miss Cruz?" Ruby asked half way through the class and I nodded my head, resting it on the palm of my hand and just looking at the board.

Did something happen?

Did I do something?

Did Nathan hurt her?

If he did I will kill his ass.

Or maybe she wants to end things with me.

I hope not, I really like her.

Please don't be that.

The bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. I waited for everyone to leave and stood up walking closer to her desk as she closed the door after everyone left.

"Are you okay?" She asked walking towards me "what do you mean?" I asked back laughing "are you okay?" She asked again.

And I nodded my head "yeah I'm okay, why are you asking?" I was genuinely confused.

"You look tired" then I remembered what happened last night with Liv.

A night I wish I could forget just like any other night with her.

"Oh yeah I'm fine" I said my voice cracking and getting a bit higher because that's how it sounds when I try to lie but I simply can't because the truth hurts me too much to hide.

"No you're not. Talk to me" she said holding my hand. I thought one of the rules was 'not showing affection in school' but I'm definitely not complaining.

"It's just..Liv came to my room late and we stayed up doing.." I stopped talking because the way her face dropped made me realize that she figured out what I meant.

"Oh.." she sounded hurt. I wish I could tell her that I would never have sex with Olivia ever again if I could.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" she shook her head "no it's fine, I asked and you answered. I know that you have a girlfriend and that she would want to..have sex with you, it's fine" she said a bit quieter.

"I mean yeah..doesn't Nathan ask for sex?" Well I should've worded it better but I already said it. Nice.

"He does I just don't..have sex with him anyways it's fine, I just wanted to know why you looked tired and why you weren't focusing"

I wanna tell you, I really do but I'm so scared that you won't believe me or think I'm using that as an excuse.

"Thank you for checking up on me" she smiled and nodded "of course"


I heard a knock on the window making me jump out of bad and run to it, opening it for Ruby to get in.

I held her hand to help her get in and she started to adjust her clothes "I feel like a teenager doing this" she said making me laugh. I closed the window then the curtain and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"I missed you" I whispered into her ear resting my chin on her shoulder seeing a smile form on her face "I missed you more. You were worth climbing up a window in a skirt" she said making me laugh.

She put her hands over mine that was resting on her stomach as I placed a kiss on her jaw "your door is locked right?" I hummed and nodded "it is"

She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me roughly making my back hit the wall behind me.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt her?" She asked pulling back from the kiss. I shook my head and kissed her again, gripping her waist and tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

I tapped her thigh twice and she jumped, wrapping her legs around my waist as I held her up and walked her towards my bed.

I gently placed her down on the bed getting on top of her without breaking the kiss once.

I moved to kiss down her neck, sucking gently on a spot she seemed to like, making sure not to leave a mark or at least a dark mark that could be hard to cover.

I heard her let out a moan which turned me on so much. It was just so hot.

I looked up at her "can I take your shirt off?"

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