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Jordan's POV

I was playing basketball in a court. Not the one in our house because I just wanted to get away from there for now. After Ruby and her husband showed up yesterday, my dad didn't say a single word to me because of me being late and sleeping instead of greeting the guests.

I just wanted some time alone.

It hurts to not be understood. It's not like I like being sleepy all the time, oversleeping is a symptom of depression like my therapist said but I didn't tell my family so I can't explain why I sleep basically 23 hours of the day.

And I'm not going to. There is an 80% chance my dad is going to say that I'm being 'dramatic' and that depression isn't even real.

Yes, my dad has that kind of mindset.

Especially with me. If Olivia said she's depressed he would care more than he would care about me or at least act like he cares.

I turned around to get the ball after it bounced off the backboard to see Mrs.Diaz smiling at me with the ball in her hands.

I removed my AirPods and smiled back at her "hey" she said sweetly "hi" I answered a little surprised to see her here.

"Why aren't you playing at home? It's pretty late to be out here alone" she said stepping closer to me "just wanted to go out a little"

She noticed how the topic kind of upset me and decided to change it "let's play" she said bouncing the ball in front of me "you serious?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I'm dead serious or are you worried I'm going to win?" She asked making me laugh. I ran to the bench and put my AirPods back in its case then went back to her.

I was wearing basketball shorts and just a regular shirt. The weather was nice since it's 11pm.

We started playing and I went easy on her, letting her score a bit and seeing her do her little victory dance as I just acted disappointed for losing.

"Come on Cruz, how are you gonna win a game when you're this bad?" She said cockily making me laugh again. I acted like I wanted to stop her but she went past me and scored again.

"Damnit, really thought I was gonna win" i said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes at me "play for real, stop going easy on me" she said to me.

"You sure?" She nodded her head "I'm sure"

I took the ball and started playing for real. The score was 10-12 and I had 12 "in your face!" I said to her making her roll her eyes at me again as I just danced around her to annoy her like she did to me.

"Stop it" i stopped and smiled at her, seeing her smiling as she looked down at the ground "mad at me?" I asked pouting. She looked at me and nodded "very"

"Oh come on, you said you wanted me to play for real and I did" she took the ball from me "I was enjoying winning" she said making me laugh "I did what I had to do so you stop calling me a loser"

She started playing and I kept blocking her but then just let her go past me. I like seeing her win and do her little victory dance, it's cute.

But god did she almost die.

She jumped, trying to slam dunk the ball but failed and when she landed back on her feet she lost balance and almost fell back before I caught her.

I helped her stand straight up "are you okay?" I asked worried seeing her stay quiet then she just burst out laughing making me laugh along with her.

"No cause who did I think I was to do that?" She asked as she kept laughing loudly. I was holding her waist as she just put her forehead on my shoulder to laugh.

"This was so fun" she said after calming down and lifting her head off my shoulder. She had her hands resting on my chest as I just kept gently holding her waist "it really was.." I said quietly, seeing her not pull back and just look into my eyes as I did the same "..you're fun to hang out with"

"I know" she said putting her hand on my cheek and making me laugh. She smiled and kissed my cheek "this was so much fun but I have to go home" she said.

I just nodded because god I had butterflies killing my stomach right now.

I hate how she makes me feel because I know it'll be so hard to have her. Probably only a 10% chance I'll have her, that's if it's not even lower than that.

"Do you want me to walk you back home?" I asked her since I don't see a car in the parking lot close to the basketball court "no I'll be okay" she said pulling away from me "sleep well Jordan" she said walking away.

I kept looking at her as she walked. I was worried so I took my AirPods and phone, placing them in my pocket then took the basketball I was playing with and ran towards her.

"I just want to make sure no one annoys you on your way home" she turned to look at me and smiled "I'll be fine..really" she said as I started walking next to her.

I shook my head "I just wanna walk with you until you make it home safely. It's not exactly safe to walk alone at night" I said to her.

"You mean not safe for a woman?" She asked and I nodded "it sucks that you have to go through that a lot of the time" I said. She looked at me as she kept walking "that we have to go through" she corrected "I don't think boys left anyone in peace" she added.

"I don't get cat called often. I'm built like a fucking wrestler- oh my god I said fucking, I said it again" I said putting my hand over my mouth and making her laugh "it's okay to cuss when you're with me but outside of school"

"And even if you have a very fit body and look like you know how to fight..you probably went through something, no one leaves anyone alone at this point" it's mostly Olivia.

"Nah I don't remember" might not be from some random guy but it's from someone that knows me, someone I see almost every single day.

"Why doesn't Nathan walk with you? It's really dangerous especially this late" I said to her. She sighed and shrugged "I don't know"

They might be having problems and it's not any of my business so I'm not going to ask further questions about it.

It always triggered me when people I barely know ask me about my personal problems so I'm not going to ask her about her personal life.

"Well you always got me to walk with you" I said hitting her shoulder with my shoulder jokingly. She looked at me and smiled "I'll keep that in mind"

We walked and talked mostly about school. I'm so glad she didn't ask about anything that happened yesterday especially about my dad sounding like he fucking hates my guts.

"Did you do your assignment?" She asked looking at me with her eyebrows raised "very perfectly" I responded truthfully.

I did, I take my physics seriously. Maybe started taking it seriously since she arrived.

"Amazing, can't wait to see it" she said as we stopped in front of a big house "go back home.." she said putting her hand on my arm softly like she always does "..eat something and get some rest"

I looked down shyly and nodded, looking back at her "I will" she smiled and rubbed her thumb over my skin "goodnight Jordan, sweet dreams"

Then she pulled her hand back and walked towards her front door "Mrs.Diaz" she turned to look at me "Ruby" she corrected. I laughed and nodded "Ruby.."

"..I go to the same court to play almost every night, this same time and I had so much fun tonight" I said hinting for her to come play with me again if she wants.

She smiled and nodded "I'll keep that in mind as well"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now