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Jordan's POV

I walked in class to see Ruby behind her desk, resting both of her hands on it as she bent down a little while she was looking down at some papers.

Well hello there.

She turned her head to look at me and smiled "good morning" she said and I smiled back at her "good morning"

I went to my desk and sat down. I kept looking at Ruby who now stood straight up and pulled her skirt down a little.

Those skirts on her man.

She looks so good in them it's unbelievable.

She looks good in everything.

She's so gorgeous.

"What's that?" One of my friends asked pointing to my arm. I looked down at it to see the small cuts Ruby's nails left. I smiled at them and shook my head "nothing important"

I looked at Ruby who was looking down with her cheeks flushed red and a smile on that beautiful pretty face of hers.

"Hey babe, why weren't you answering my texts yesterday?" Olivia asked sitting on my desk "I was busy. Or am I not allowed to be busy?"

She raised her eyebrows and laughed "look at you talking back" she said making me roll my eyes at her and rest back on my chair.

"What were you busy with?" I ignored her question "I swear Olivia if you don't get off my desk, I'm gonna shove you off of it" I said to her.

"And what? be an abusive girlfriend in front of everyone?" She asked and I shook my head in disbelief "just get off my desk"

"Not before you tell me what you were doing" she looked down at her nails then back at me "none of your business. I can do whatever I want"

"What made you so confident about talking back like that?"

"Bitch if you don't get off her desk right now I'm gonna shove my fist down your throat and she can talk back and say whatever the fuck she wants" Amy said standing up.

I look at Ruby who is supposed to stop this interaction between Amy and Olivia but she just stood there smiling at Amy.

I know that Ruby would do something if she could and I mean like punch Olivia, yell at her and shit like that but unfortunately she can't.

Amy pushed Olivia off the desk hardly making me cover my mouth with my hand so I don't laugh.

"Okay girls stop" Ruby said trying to hold back a laugh. She came closer to them and bit her lip so she doesn't laugh "Olivia go to the principal's office, Amy I'll talk to you"

"Why am I going to the principal's office?!" Olivia yelled "because you started it" Ruby simply explained and walked past her.

Olivia left the classroom and Ruby looked back at Amy, putting out her fist a bit down so no one sees "good job" she whispered making Amy laugh and fist bump her.

I laughed at what she did and she smiled at me "okay class, let's start our lesson"


"I think I'm gonna scrap that 'no affection in school' rule" Ruby said making me smile as I leaned in to kiss her again "I'd really like that" I said feeling her grip onto my shirt and pull me even closer to her as she sat on her desk and I was placed in between her legs.

"Hey.." I hummed and opened my eyes after she pulled back from the kiss "..I'm proud of you for talking back to Olivia today"

Hearing that makes me so happy.

She's proud of me.

"Thank you. I feel..safer now that you and Amy know" she smiled and put her hands on my cheeks, cupping my face "I'm really happy to hear that and you know you can call me whenever you want. Even if it was three in the fucking morning. If you wanna talk to me, I'll be there for you"

There is so much I want to tell her but what if she doesn't want anyone like me?

What if she doesn't want someone who takes pills to stay alive?

Someone who has to rely on other people's lives because they lost hope in their own?

Someone who needs to be saved from their own thoughts?

She probably wouldn't want me after I tell her about me being depressed and having to take pills all the time.

Maybe I should try and stop taking them so I don't have to worry about telling her.

That's probably dumb but I'll try.

"I know, thank you for being here for me" she shook her head and pecked my lips "don't thank me, I'm just trying to look after you"

"And thank you for that too" she sighed and nodded "you're welcome"

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