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Jordan's POV

I'm in the cafeteria with Amy and Luke sitting in front of me and some of our friends were sitting with us as well.

"I'm gonna go get my notebook from Mrs.Diaz" I said standing up. Amy whistled making me roll my eyes at her.

Ruby took my notebook because she asked me to answer some questions she gave me when we were studying alone. She told me to give it to her and come take it at lunchtime.

I knocked on the door lightly but I didn't hear anything so I opened the door. I peaked my head in to see Mrs.Diaz and some guy giving me his back.

I walked in and he still didn't turn around. Ruby looked at me from over his shoulder just for a single second then looked back at him.

It wasn't the usual look she has in her eyes, at least I don't think it was.

She looks afraid.

I cleared my throat making the guy turn around and I realized it was Tyler "what are you doing here?" He asked, blocking Ruby from my view "what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I'm just talking to Mrs.Diaz, is that a problem?" I smiled and shook my head, walking towards him "no it's not so I'm guessing you won't mind if I stay here until you finish talking about whatever you're talking about"

I saw his breathing get heavier. I liked being scary when I'm mad. I rarely get mad but when I do, I'm actually insane.

"It's better if you leave" he said trying to look and sound confident "why? So you can touch her? So you can make her uncomfortable?" I whispered moving my face closer to his.

"Even if I did touch her, she can fucking defend herself" that was all I needed just to hold him by his clothes and pin him against the board.

I looked at Ruby "did he touch you?" I asked softly, not sounding mad anymore but I'm so angry, I just don't want her to think I'm mad at her.

"I just- I-" she kept stuttering as she looked in between me and Tyler. He was gripping my wrists tightly trying to push me away. I have to admit, he's pretty strong and he's also tall but I'm too angry to feel the pain he's causing to my wrists.

"Just say it" I spoke softly to her. She just nodded and I looked back at him, punching him across the face then he looked back at me and punched me making me stumble back and he took that opportunity to run out of the classroom but I ran behind him.

I pulled him back by his clothes and pushed him on the lockers, punching him repeatedly.

He kicked my stomach making me groan. I made him fall to the ground and straddled his stomach, throwing punches to his face.

Then the teachers broke us apart "my office! Now!" The principal yelled. I stood up and put my finger under my nose seeing it bleeding. I walked towards the office and saw Ruby following me to the principal's office as someone helped Tyler up.

I sat down on the chair "what are you doing here Mrs.Diaz?" Mr.Carter asked as he sat down on his chair behind the desk. I reached out and took some tissues, putting it under my nose as I heard the door open.

I looked towards it to see Tyler. He sat down on the chair next to me and I looked at Ruby who was still standing up then gave her a soft smile.

"Tyler was being very inappropriate with me. I'm not saying only words, I mean touching too. If it wasn't for Miss Cruz, something worse was probably going to happen. I was just afraid and I froze-" He cut her off "that's all I need to hear" he said coldly.

That made me sad. She was just saying what happened, why is he being so inconsiderate?

He picked up the office phone and called someone "officer..please come and take Tyler Smith from my office. He sexually assaulted one of my teachers...yes...thank you" then he hung up.

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now