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Jordan's POV

"Ruby told me about things and why you're here"

My heart started beating faster as silence just took over the whole room so I decided to speak up and make myself look better in front of Ruby's mom other than just looking like the girl who got her daughter pregnant.

I gulped nervously "I can take care of Ruby and the baby" I started, looking at Ruby then back at her mom "I know I'm still in high school but I have good money, not my parents' money, my own money. I can pay for everything without a single problem"

"But you're still in high school" she said and I nodded my head "I know but I'll finish school before the baby is born in a while"

"What about your parents?" She asked sighing. I gulped and looked over at Ruby who was already looking at me "i don't care about what they'll say. My mom might be...accepting but i don't give a fuck about what my dad would say- sorry I mean i don't care about what my dad would say" I said removing 'fuck' from the sentence as if her mom cared or some shit.

I looked at Ruby and she smiled softly at me making me relax a little "what are you gonna do with Nathan?" Her mom asked looking at her.

"I don't know" I do. She can say whatever the fuck she wants, if he even dares to touch her, I'll just..scare him again.

"You can ask for a divorce.." I suggested making both of them look at me "..I know it's gonna be a bit hard since he's controlling and abusive and your dad wants you to be married to that old ass musty man-" her mom cut me off "I'll take care of your dad. He won't have a say in anything so ask for a divorce, if he tries shit, I'll personally kill him" she said making me smile.

I looked at Ruby and she nodded her head "okay I'll try, thanks mom"


Ruby's POV

I paced nervously around my room waiting for Nathan to come home so I can tell him I want a divorce.

I heard the door of our bedroom open making me look up from the floor "hey" he said walking in and taking his jacket off "hi.." I cleared my throat and let out a breathe "..can we talk?"

He nodded "sure. What is it?" He asked taking his tie off.

I just want to get straight into it.

"I want a divorce" he stopped everything and laughed shaking his head in disbelief, turning to look at me "I knew it was just a matter of time. let me guess, you met someone else.." he said stepping closer to me as my breathing started to get faster.

"..someone like Jordan?" He asked and my breathe hitched but I didn't answer.

Maybe it was just a guess, nothing else. Maybe he doesn't actually know, he just wants me to confess it to him so it's confirmed.

"I saw the texts between the two of you. Not only that you're cheating on me but you're cheating on me with your student?" He asked as I backed away till my back hit the wall.

He placed his hand on the wall behind me and leaned closer to me "why?" He asked. How does he not know that I hate him? Like literally.

"You know what?" He backed away and went towards the drawer that I unfortunately knew what he had in, something I tried to get rid of multiple times.

He took the gun out of the drawer and left the room and I quickly went behind him, taking my car and following behind his car knowing he's going to do something dumb and really fucking bad.

I got out of my car and ran inside Jordan's house when I saw Nathan step inside.

"Where is Jordan?!" He yelled and I held his shoulder but he pushed me back "I'm here" he turned to the side and looked at her, lifting the gun up and pointing it at her.

"What are you doing Nathan?!" Jordan's dad yelled as he came down the stairs "your daughter is dating my wife..my fucking wife"

"Is that true?" Her mom asked and Jordan laughed as tears left her eyes "that doesn't fucking matter. He has a gun pointed at me right now and I'm fucking scared because this man is insane"

"Nathan please don't do this" I said. He looked at me "do you love her?" He asked and I stayed quiet looking at Jordan then back at him "and don't lie to me" he added.

I gulped and nodded "I do love her" he looked back at Jordan and I saw him putting pressure on the trigger so I went towards him, holding the gun and pointing it upwards so he shoots the ceiling instead of Jordan.

He pushed me back hardly after elbowing me in the stomach "don't fucking do that!" Jordan yelled pushing him back hardly as the security guards came in, taking Nathan out of the house.

Jordan got on her knees next to me and put her hand on my cheek "let's go to the hospital" she said not even giving me a chance to argue. She was taking me to the hospital either way.

She helped me stand up and carried me bridal style "I'm sorry" she apologized as she left her house, not talking to her mom or dad about anything and just focusing on taking me to the hospital.

"You did nothing wrong" she put me in the passenger seat, putting the seatbelt on for me as she ran towards the driver's side.

She drove as quick as possible making sure not to make any hard turns or hard brakes so i don't get hurt or feel pressure on my stomach in any way.

We went into the hospital, asked for a doctor and they told us to wait which we did.

I looked at Jordan who looked in front of her, bouncing her leg up and down as she started to breathe slowly trying to get herself together.

I put my hand on her back "I thought I was gonna die.." she said looking at me "..thank you, really thank you. You got hurt saving me and I'm sorry for that but I promise you, I'll keep you safe and treat you amazing as long as we're alive"

I smiled and pecked her lips "I know but it's scary, I know it is so it's fine if you were or still are scared"

She put her head on my shoulder as I gently played with her hair gently "you know what's crazy?" She asked me and I shook my head "what's crazy?"

My stomach wasn't hurting anymore. I knew that wasn't going to hurt the baby but I wanted Jordan to do whatever makes her feel better and if that means going to get a quick check up then I'm fine with it.

"A while ago I really didn't care if I die or not..now I do. I guess you can say you gave me hope in life" she lifted her head up, looking into my eyes and I smiled at her "I love you" she added and I kissed her nose "I love you more"

A/N:okay so I made a new Instagram account so you guys can go follow it if you want.
My Instagram is born_confused076

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