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Jordan's POV

"Text me, okay?" I nodded my head at what Ruby said and she smiled, backing away from me and making my hand fall from her waist "take care of yourself" I said to her as she walked towards her front door.

"I will" she got to the front door and looked back at me one more time before opening the door and walking in the house.

I walked away with a huge smile on my face.

Pure happiness feels amazing.

I really hope I don't get screwed over.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out, looking down at it to see a text from Ruby.

I smiled and pressed on it.



That was quick

Sorry, should I text later?

No no I was kidding
Text me whenever you want
I like when you text me

I like texting you
Also are you home yet?

No. I'll be there in like five

Oh okay
Be careful please

I will be

Call me when you get home

I will

I finally got home and walked in, going straight to my room and locking the door.

I called her as soon as I could.

"Hey" I heard her say making me smile "hi pretty" I put one of the AirPods in my ear so I can change and talk to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked and I could hear her smile from the phone if that's even possible "changing. What are you doing?" I asked back pulling my pants down and putting on some sweatpants.

"Just laying in bed" she answered and I nodded "is Nathan there?" I asked her "no, he stays out late"

"Hey baby?" I smiled at the pet name and hummed "yeah?" I said waiting for her to say what she wants to say "do you have anything to do tomorrow?"

"No, what's up?" I put on a t-shirt and went to the bathroom to wash my face "so I was thinking maybe we can..go to a coffee shop to talk about us" I frowned at what she said and dried my face with a towel then went to put some lotion on it "is there something wrong?"

She laughed "no no of course not. We didn't even have time to have something wrong in our..relationship but I think we need to talk about it considering it won't be normal to just hang out together or kiss in public and things like that and I really want to be careful, I really like my job"

"Yeah of course. Anything for you but you sure it would be normal for us to talk in a public coffee shop?"

"Oh yes you're right, that's why we're going to a coffee shop that's like an hour or two away from here so we don't bump into anyone"

"Or we can just meet at the court at night" I suggested since it's easier and we've already hung out there so we won't have to worry "oh yeah sure"

"It's okay we can go to the coffee shop if you want, that was just a suggestion" I said to her hearing her voice change a bit "no it's fine, that's smarter and easier"


"So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked as we held hands while we were sitting on the bench at night.

"Just a few rules for us.." I nodded my head and stayed quiet so she can say whatever she wants.

I don't mind if she has rules, she's worried about losing her job and I'm going to be considerate of that. I care for her and her happiness.

"..first thing we can't show affection in school at all, even if we're alone. Second thing we can't go out to a lot of places so we have to go somewhere a bit far away so we don't bump into people and it would be better if it was at night. Third do not talk to your friends about me, don't tell them about us even if it's Amy, I don't care. This has to stay only between you and I"

"Yeah sure. I thought there would be rules mostly for sex" I said laughing and she laughed along with me "no, I'm okay with everything" she said biting her lip slightly and leaning in to kiss me.

I smiled into the kiss but then she pulled back "but not in school" she reminded me and I laughed, nodding my head "I know"

We kissed again then pulled back after a bit, looking into each other's eyes "I forgot the rest of the rules I was going to say but when I do remember I'll tell you" she said quietly looking down at my lips, I nodded "tell me your rules whenever you want"

I kissed her again and rubbed her thigh softly "I have to go home" she mumbled after pulling back but I pulled her back into a kiss "mhm" I hummed into the kiss and gripped her thigh gently.

"I really do" she laughed quietly and pulled back from the kiss "why?" I groaned and kissed her cheek making her giggle softly, wrapping her arms around my neck "Nate is waiting for me, we're going out for dinner"

I frowned and pulled back "yeah right, that's why you're dressed up" she put her hand on my cheek and pecked my lips softly "I'm gonna make it up for you, I promise"

I sighed and forced a smile, shaking my head "you don't have to. I knew that doing this has to come with some bad things aka you still being married to Nathan and me still dating Liv"

"Can't you break up with her?" She asked me "I would break up with Nate if we weren't married because it would've been easier but why won't you break up with Olivia?"

"It's not as easy as you make it sound. Anyways you gotta go, you'll miss your dinner" I said pecking her lips and standing up. She held my head and kissed me again "you have to go eat too, okay?" I smiled at what she said and nodded "I will"

She was holding my hand and rubbing her thumb over my knuckles softly "that's good. Bye" she said walking backwards as our hands slowly lost contact "bye"

She turned around and walked towards her car. I ran to her car after she unlocked it and opened the driver's door for her making her laugh "you're cute" She said pecking my cheek and getting in the car.

I closed the door for her and stepped away from the car watching her drive away.

I miss her already.

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