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Jordan's POV

"So what do you want for your birthday?" Olivia asked me as we sat down to have dinner with my family.

We made up. She yelled, I listened and apologized like I always do even if she should be the one apologizing.

I just don't like the yelling and I just wanted things to end quickly.

"Nothing. I don't want a party either" I said coldly looking down at my food as I moved it around with my fork "Jordan.." I looked up at my dad "..don't be rude to your girlfriend"

"I didn't say anything. I don't like birthday parties so I don't want one. What's so wrong with that?" I asked him, my tone not changing "don't talk back to me"

I shook my head in disbelief "sorry if I was trying to have a conversation" I said quietly looking down at my food again "Jordan go to your room" he said.

"I'm gonna turn 19 dad, I'm not a kid to send to their room" I said. He looked mad at what I was saying "she's right.." I looked at my mom who spoke up "..she's an adult now and she should be treated like one. She was having a conversation and she wasn't talking back. If she doesn't want a birthday party then we don't throw her one, we do what she wants. It's her birthday"

I smiled seeing my mom standing up for me. My mom has a strong personality and she doesn't let my dad disrespect her or do anything that she doesn't like especially after he practically begged her to go back to him after they split.

He ignored the birthday thing and changed the subject "we have guests coming over tomorrow night. Be ready at 8 and dress nicely" he said.

I nodded and stood up, taking my plate to the kitchen then making my way upstairs. I washed my hands then brushed my teeth since I mostly do after I eat something.

The door opened to show Olivia who just walked in and sat on my desk chair. I laid on my bed and went on my phone, scrolling through anything and acting busy so I don't have to pay attention to her.

"Why were you so rude to your dad?" I looked away from my phone and looked at Olivia "I wasn't rude. I was just saying what I wanted"

"You could've at least acted like you were happy that he was thinking about your birthday. You always complain about your dad not paying attention to you then you do that?"

I literally never talk about me dad to her. To my best friend yes but to Olivia no.

"I never talk to you about him" I said to her. She nodded "I know but I saw the texts between you and Amy" is she fucking kidding me right now? When the fuck was that?

I don't mind my significant other going through my phone but I knew she was doing that to see what I was talking about to others not wether I was cheating on her or not so basically a violation of my privacy.

"And who allowed you to go through the texts between her and I?" I asked sitting up. She laughed "I allowed myself"

I hated the fact that i wasn't intimidating enough. I was always really calm even in situations that make me mad but it's just something in me. That's why I feel like it's my fault she doesn't stop having sex with me after I say no.

I'm much bigger than her like in muscles and height but when she wants to have sex, I just lay down and wait for it to be done. It used to be enjoyable but when it became a constant thing, it wasn't.

"Whatever" I decided to stop the conversation here and stood up, going to my desk to do my homework.

I heard light scratching at my door and I stood up, opening it to see Bella. I smiled and picked her up, kissing the top of her head "I missed you" I said to her going back to my desk.

I placed her on the side of the desk and rubbed her head softly "sit down" I said softly and she did as told. She learns very quickly so the sit down thing didn't take her long.

I started doing my homework and Olivia left like 15 minutes ago but I was glad she did. Sometimes I really like my personal space but guess who likes my personal space too..Olivia.

I feel trapped with her but it's nearly impossible to break up with her when I have my dad up my ass and her parents too.


"Can you read that for me?" Mrs.Diaz asked me. I nodded and looked down at the paragraph she wanted me to read.

I started reading then stopped at a word that I was struggling to read. I was nervous and the letters were mixing up, I couldn't figure out what this word is.

I closed my eyes for a second then opened them again hoping to actually be able to read what it was.

I took a quick glance at Mrs.Diaz who was patiently waiting for me to read it but I was starting to feel my heart beat faster. I started bouncing my leg up and down nervously.

"Electrostatic" she said to me. I looked at her then back to the book, attempting to read it but I mixed up all the letters when I read it out loud.

I felt her hand hold mine that was gripping my baggy pants from how anxious I was. I loosened my hand and looked at her, she smiled softly and interlocked her fingers with mine "just calm down" she said rubbing her finger over my knuckles.

I gulped nervously and I felt myself calm down a little more "read it again"

"Electric field is the magnitude of Electrostatic force experienced by an electricaly charged particle in space"

I looked at her and she smiled "good job..just don't get nervous, it's okay if you don't know how to read something" she said. I kept holding her hand because it was comforting to me, it made me feel good and less nervous about everything.

"It's just..the letters got mixed up and I got confused. Sorry" she shook her head at what I said "don't apologize, it's okay..I promise it's okay"

I smiled slightly and I felt my heart just melting at her words and her touch. This is how much I'm craving any kind of affection and anything that would show me that someone cares.

I feel safe right now. Why? I have no idea but I really like it.

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now