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Jordan's POV

Today is the day of the big game.

I was worried but I've been training and working out non-stop for the past week after my wrist started getting better.

It's all because I didn't want my dad to be disappointed in me.

I'm just trying to make my relationship with him stronger but I don't think he wants that.

At some point, I'm going to stop trying.

"Babe relax" Ruby took the weights from my hands and placed them down "you don't have to workout while you're studying" she added kissing the side of my head.

Ruby and I have been spending more time in the apartment. My parents don't get suspicious on why I stay out a lot considering I did that before I got with Ruby so it's normal.

But with Ruby, I'm not sure.

I told her that she doesn't have to be here if Nathan tries to hurt her or if she feels like she has to have sex with him to throw him off the fact that she's staying out but she insists about staying here with me.

She told me that I don't have to worry about what she does or tells him but I still ask in case he laid a hand on her.

But as she told me, he didn't hit her or even try to after the time of our fight which means he's actually taking my threat seriously.


I'm not going to kill him because I don't want to go to jail but I will fuck him up.

"I'm just really nervous" I said placing my elbows on the desk then covering my face with my hands.

I felt her hands on my shoulders as she started massaging them "you're gonna do amazing. Even if you don't win, everyone knows how hard you've been practicing"

"I don't want to just 'do amazing' I wanna win" she sighed and kissed the side of my head "and you will win"


We won.

I've never been more anxious in a game but seeing Ruby there, cheering for me and giving me that comforting smile of hers made me feel better.

She always makes me feel better.

But my dad didn't praise me or make me feel like I did what he wanted me to do.

It's whatever I guess.

I'm lying, it's not 'whatever'. I care so fucking much. I try not to care but I simply can't.

I hate feeling like people don't love me and I feel like that a lot.

I would be laying on my bed and I'll think "Ruby didn't text me, does she hate me" or anything like that to any of my friends.

Even the ones I'm not that close to. I just hate being hated.

"What's wrong baby? You got what you wanted. You won" Ruby said sitting down on the couch next to me.

"I didn't want to win just to feel like a winner. I wanted to win so my dad fucking loves me which is dumb because what I heard is that parents are supposed to love their kids unconditionally but nah, it's too hard for my dad to love his own daughter"

I had tears in my eyes as I kept looking in front of me knowing that if I do look at Ruby, I'm probably going to cry.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and played with my hair softly "what am I doing wrong?" I couldn't help but let a tear slip down my cheek.

"Baby.." she pulled me into her arms and I wrapped my arms around her waist, closing my eyes and letting myself cry into her chest "..you're not doing anything wrong. You're so amazing, more than amazing actually and if he doesn't see that it's his fault"

I took a deep shaky breathe and stayed quiet "he doesn't deserve someone like you. No one deserves someone like you"

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