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Ruby's POV

"How is the new school you're working at?" One of Nathan and I's friends asked "it's really good actually. Students there are very respectful and the principal is an amazing guy. I couldn't ask for more"

And I met the woman that makes me the happiest in the entire world.

Nathan decided to invite some of his friends that I know so we can catch up and have dinner together at our place.

It's a nice idea. They're good people but I'd rather be spending time with Jordan since we wanted to stay together at the apartment and watch movie but this came up.

I'd rather spend every minute of my life with Jordan if I could.

I'm falling so unbelievably hard for her.

I think of her 24/7. She's just always on my mind.

I want to stay close to her and protect her from anyone and everyone that tries to hurt her.

I want to kiss her and feel her body on mine.

I want to cuddle with her and watch a movie.

I want to live with her.

I want to do everything with her.

We sat down on the table and started eating. Nathan was being nice. He is nice sometimes. Like 15% of the time we spend together.

Which is why I'm glad I don't spend much time with him anymore.

The bell rang "I'll get it" I said putting my fork down. I stood up and made my way towards the door.

I opened the door and I am so glad I'm the one that opened it.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper yelled at Jordan who was resting her hand on the wall next to the door "hi" she said weakly.

She doesn't look okay at all.

Her face is pale, she's sweating so much, her eyes are red and she looks so exhausted.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked stepping out and closing the door a little.

She didn't answer me, she just fell on me when she removed her hand from the wall "baby oh my god" I tried supporting her body since she was too weak to support it herself.

"Come on" I pushed the door open and made her wrap her arm around my shoulder as I wrapped mine around her waist.

I walked towards the guest room that was close to the door, making sure no one notices me.

I opened the door and took her towards the bed. I helped her lay down "stay here, I'm gonna come back in a bit" I had to go back to them or they'll get suspicious of what's happening.

"Okay" she said weakly. I kissed her forehead and went out of the guest room, closing the door quietly then going to close the front door properly.

"Who was it?" Nathan asked. I shrugged "I don't know, there was no one. It's probably one of the kids in the neighborhood" he nodded and I sat down next to him.

I bounced my leg up and down nervously. Come on leave leave leave.

I need to go check on my girl. I need to make sure she's going to be okay but with them here including Nathan, I can't do that shit.

"I have to go back home to be with the kids" Natalie said to her husband who smiled and nodded his head at her "thank you for having us here" she said to Nathan and I "of course"

She kissed her husband's cheek and she stood up as I did the same so I can walk her outside.

"Have a good night" she said and I smiled "you too"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now