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Ruby's POV

"Hi pretty" I kissed the side of Jordan's head as she sat on the dining table while she was doing some homework.

"I bought you some chocolate and candy when I went to the supermarket. I also bought a few more drinks-" she cut me off "yeah okay okay just put it in the kitchen"

I frowned my eyebrows at her attitude and walked to the fridge "what's up with the attitude?" I asked placing everything in its place, taking a quick glance at her seeing her not moving her eyes away from her laptop and books.

I'm glad she's studying. I'm proud of her.

"What attitude?" She laughed and looked up at me. Her laugh died after she realized what I was talking about and she sighed, resting her elbow on the table and rubbing her forehead with her thumb and index finger "I'm sorry" she apologized.

I went towards her and pulled out a chair to sit next to her "what's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on the back of her neck, massaging it gently "it's just..catching up with everything that I missed is so exhausting"

I nodded and kissed her cheek "I'll help you baby and no I'm not gonna do your homework but I'll help you with it" she smiled slightly and nodded "okay, thank you"

After hours of helping her study, we were finally done.

"Good job" I said to her making her smile "thanks for helping me. I would've taken so much longer to finish all of those"

"I always have your back beautiful.." she smiled and leaned in to kiss me "..let's go bed, I'm really exhausted and I also need to change"

We made our ways to the bedroom and she jumped on the bed, laying down on her back and resting her head on the pillow as I made my way to the closet to get some clothes.

I didn't have clothes here but I always wear Jordan's clothes. They're really comfortable and they smell like her so I like it.

I picked out some shorts and random grey shirt. I started to strip out of my clothes and looked at Jordan who was already looking at me with her lip between her teeth "you're so hot oh my god" I laughed at what she said and got dressed.

I got on the bed and crawled towards her as she rested back on the headboard of the bed. I straddled her lap and held both sides of her neck as she held my waist, pulling me even closer to her if it's possible.

"I just got dressed baby" I said knowing what she's thinking considering I can feel her hard dick press onto me "so? It was never a problem before" she said smirking at me.

It's true.

We have a lot of sex and nothing ever stopped us. We had sex in the shower, on the kitchen counter, in the car, on the couch, on her bed at her house..just lots and lots of amazing sex which I don't mind at all.

I always made sure that Jordan didn't feel pressured to have sex or anything multiple times because I was worried about how she feels about it because of what Olivia did.

She never said no, she was actually always excited for it which made me happy because I wouldn't want her to do something that'll upset her.

"Take your shorts off baby" I smiled and nodded my head, standing up and doing as she asked, keeping my shirt and panties on.

Something she really fucking likes is instead of taking my panties off, she just moves it to the side with her fingers then she just..does her work.

I'm not complaining about it. I'm getting fucked so good.

I laid down next to her and she stood up and pulled her pants down. Her dick was on full display since she rarely wears boxers at home. She feels more comfortable without them and I don't care if she wears them or not.

I'm still getting fucked good.

She got on top of me, resting her her hands on both sides of my head on the bed as she looked down at me with a smile on her face "I love you" she whispered making me smile "I love you too"

Jordan laughed and kissed my nose before reaching out to the nightstand and taking a condom out of the drawer.

She slipped it on and sat on her knees in front of me. She gripped my thigh as I kept my legs wide open for her. Her hand was holding the shaft as she moved the tip in between my folds to tease me.

"Come on" I groaned trying to grind against her so she actually starts to fuck me.

I heard her let out a small laugh as I felt her roughly push herself into me "oh my god" I basically screamed when she gave me absolutely no time to adjust to her size.

I felt her hand wrap around my throat as she pulled me up to kiss her. I rested my hands back on the bed for support as she kept me pulled up by my throat.

I threw my head back and moaned loudly. She placed her other hand on the back of my head and gripped my hair making me face her again "kiss me" she demanded and I couldn't refuse, she's just so hot.

I kept kissing her and she let go of my hair, moving that hand down the side of my body to my hips "I love you so much" she said after she pulled back for a bit then kissed me again.

"I'm gonna cum" I said and she nodded, kissing me roughly again as she continued going in and out of me roughly.

I came on her and she actually let me stop kissing her. Trust me, I love kissing her but right now that's very hard to do.

I laid back down and gripped the sheets as she kept going "you feel amazing oh god" she moaned making me look at her. She was holding my hips with her head thrown back and her mouth slightly opened.

Her thrusts slowed down and her grip loosened from my hips "fuck yeah"

She pulled out of me, looked at me and smiled "you okay baby?" She checked and I nodded "I'm perfectly fine" I said, my chest raising and falling as I tried to steady my breathing.

Her eyebrows frowned together as she placed her right hand next to my head with her left hand touching my neck softly.

"Does that hurt?" She asked with concern clear in her voice "what do you mean?" She laid down next to me so I can get off the bed.

I took my silk robe and put it on then went towards the mirror as she followed me after taking the condom off and putting her pants back on.

I looked at myself in the mirror and spotted a red mark on my neck because of her choking me while we were having sex.

She wrapped her arms around me from behind then rested her chin on my shoulder "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be so rough" she apologized sincerely, kissing my neck softly.

I laughed and shook my head "don't apologize, I loved it so much and it doesn't matter. The mark is gonna disappear tomorrow"

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