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Jordan's POV

"So what happened with Misses Diaz?" Amy asked me "nothing happened"

I wasn't going to say anything because I wasn't trying to get Ruby in any trouble even if I trust Amy with my life. I'm not going to do something Ruby specifically told me not to do.

I know we talked about Ruby, Amy literally flirted with Ruby for me but what I'm not going to do is confirm anything going on between Ruby and I.

"You sure? I mean you guys did flirt on the phone and I have a feeling you're lying to me" she said. Amy hates when I lie to her. She would get so mad when I do but I don't want to lose Ruby.

I also don't want to lose Amy.

I have a feeling this is going to mess up a lot of things in my life.

I'm going to talk to Ruby and see if she'd let me tell Amy if I tell her that I trust her and that she won't say anything.

"I'm not lying, nothing happened between us" she rolled her eyes at me "whatever, let's go to class" that was fast.

I walked behind her as she speed walked to Ruby's class. I walked faster than her and stood in front of her after she went into the class.

"I'm not lying" I said to her. She laughed "you've been my best friend for so long. I know when you lie but that's fine that you're lying, I don't lie to you at all but I guess that's what best friends do now"

"Why are you so pissed off about this?" I asked laughing "because I've spent years trying to make you feel better knowing you're going through shit and I'm getting lied to in return?"

"You're not obligated to make me feel better" I said to her a bit quieter than before since students started walking in and Ruby walked in too "I know but you know how much it hurts to see my best friend literally pushing everyone away because she's hurting? I care about you more than I care about myself"

"No one told you to care about me" I said raising my voice a little "well sorry I care then" she responded.

"You should be sorry" she raised her eyebrows and her lips parted "are you kidding me?" She asked in disbelief. I shrugged my shoulders "you apologized so?"

"You're being a bitch!" She basically yelled making everyone look at us "lower your fucking voice" I said to her "fuck you"

"Girls, stop it" Ruby said walking towards us "tell her that. She's the one being a bitch" I said to Ruby pointing at Amy "I swear to god if you call me a bitch again for just caring about you I will fuck you up"

"I wanna see you try" she laughed and shook her head in disbelief "you know what? Don't talk to me until you get your shit together" she said walking past me and sitting down on her chair.

"What happened?" Ruby asked me. I shook my head "nothing"

I'm not going to talk to Ruby about telling Amy anymore. Amy is being a bitch. She made a big deal out of it for no reason.


"What happened with Amy?" Ruby asked closing the door after everyone walked out "she thinks I'm lying to her"

"Well are you?" I looked at her and raised my eyebrows "I am lying to her because you told me not to tell her that we're seeing each other and she overreacted"

I put my backpack on the floor and rested back on a desk, putting my hands over my face in frustration.

"She just cares about you" I removed my hands from my face and looked at Ruby "I know but you told me not to tell her, you specifically mentioned her name in the rules"

"I know-" I cut her off "okay then just stop talking"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry" I rubbed the bridge of my nose and stood up, going towards her "I'm sorry I said that, I'm just not feeling amazing right now"

"I know, it's okay" nice I'm fucking up already. This is the reason I have never had a healthy relationship. I fuck up everything so fast.

Even with Amy. I get mad and pissed off for no reason but she keeps up with me all the time.

She makes me feel better.

I definitely fucked up.

She deserves to know but I can't do that to Ruby.

And I can't to do to Amy. She's my best friend and I love her so so so much.

"I know you said no affection in school but can I hug you? I feel bad for what I said" I said to her. She looked at the door and back at me "just a little one"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck "I'm so sorry. I'm fucking up too quickly. We haven't been together for a whole ass week yet and I'm being a complete bitch"

"It's okay" she said running her fingers through my hair "you can tell Amy" she said after a few seconds of silence.

I pulled back and looked at her "are you sure?" She smiled at me and nodded "yeah. I know that she's really important to you and I wouldn't want to ruin your friendship with her especially after seeing the fight that happened but I'm begging you to make sure she doesn't tell anyone about anything"

"Don't worry about that, you can trust Amy"


"Hey.." Amy looked at me and rolled her eyes "..your mom let me in. Can we talk?" I asked walking into her room and closing the door "sure since you're already in my room"

I sat down on the edge of her bed as she moved to sit next to me, leaving some distance between us.

We sat in silence for a bit "I just-" we both said together. I looked at her "you can go first" I said to her and she nodded, letting out a nervous sigh as she looked down at her fingers.

"I really care about you and I just want you to know that you can be honest with me. I've been trying to let you open up to me because I know you keep secrets from me and I'm trying to help you mentally but having you lie to me just makes me feel like you're not even considerate of what I feel like when I hear you lie to me after I've been fully honest with you my entire life"

"I know and I'm really sorry for everything I said when we were fighting. I know you care and I really appreciate it but I simply couldn't tell you about anything but now I can"

She moved closer to me and listened closely to what I was going to say "Ruby and I are seeing each other" she gasped then frowned "why did I gasp? That was so obvious but keep going"

I laughed at what she said "okay and yesterday she told me some rules and one of them was to not tell people especially you but when she saw the fight she didn't want our friendship to get ruined so she told me I can tell you but you have to promise to not tell anyone"

"I promise I won't anyways what else happened? How was the kissing?" She asked making me smile at the mention of it "it's so amazing. Her lips are so soft and she's so perfect"

"Aw that's cute" my eyes widened at what I heard and I turned to see Luke walking out of the bathroom "oh my god did you hear everything I said?!" I yelled standing up and he nodded like it was nothing.

Like I didn't just admit that I'm seeing my own damn teacher.

"I mean yeah, I was shaving with a razor so it was pretty quiet" he said "who shaves at their girlfriend's house instead of their own and why didn't you tell me he was here?!" I asked turning to Amy "I completely forgot when you brought up Mrs.Diaz, I'm so sorry"

"Oh my god she's going to kill me" I put my hands over my head and walked around the room nervously "calm down, you don't have to tell her that Luke knows"

"I do have to tell her because if she finds out somehow that he knows without me telling her she'll get even angrier"

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now