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Jordan's POV

"Jordan..can you stay in class for a few minutes?" My teacher Mrs.Diaz asked me after the bell rang. I nodded and waited for everyone to leave as I started to approach her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded, coming towards me and resting back on her desk. I gulped trying to keep my focus on her face so it doesn't look inappropriate when I'm literally fighting the urge to check out my teacher.

She was kind of close to me, if she stands straight up our bodies would be just inches away from each other.

"Everything is amazing but yesterday at home, I was checking some of my students' files and I saw yours.." shit I know where this is going now.

"..I saw that you repeated your senior year and the worst grade you got was in physics" I frowned and looked down. I feel a little ashamed.

"Yeah I just have a hard time studying physics" I said a little quietly, scratching the back of my neck "and that's completely fine.." I felt her soft hand touching my arm making me look back at her.

She had this soft smile on her face making a smile slowly rise on my face but after a few seconds she pulled her hand back slowly "..I just wanted to see if you'd like me to help you study when we both have nothing to do. In school of course"

I smiled widely and nodded "that would actually really help" I said to her. I can practice after school and use my free periods to study with Mrs.Diaz, my coach wants me to get high grades so I can get into a good college.

I'm a good basketball player but I also have to get high grades to get into a good college and have my talent recognized by others.

"We can use the time I go to practice to study. Like when I have music or art or things from that kind" I said to her "would that be okay with your coach? Since she's the one that usually takes you to practice in those times"

"Yeah. I practice a lot after school and she really wants me to get good grades so I can get accepted in a good college, I'll go tell her that I'll study with you"


"Do you understand this?" Mrs.Diaz asked me after explaining to me some things. I nodded and looked at her, seeing her already looking at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

Her eye color is a mix of grey and blue. It's unbelievably and unexplainably beautiful. She can look at me with those eyes every second of the day and I'd still be mesmerized.

"Jordan?" I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded "yeah I understand" I said. She tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner "it's okay if you don't understand, I can explain it again if you want"

I didn't understand but I didn't want to say that I didn't because again I felt ashamed for being dumb enough to not understand what everyone understood.

"That would be great..thank you" I said shyly. I felt her hand on my thigh just a little above my knee since I had my chair next to her as we sat behind her desk.

"It's okay if you want me to explain things for you..I'll do it millions of times if I had to, the most important thing is that you understand everything. I'm trying to help you so don't be afraid or ashamed to ask me to explain something again"

I nodded my head slowly making her smile "okay" I said quietly.

As she started explaining things again, my phone kept vibrating on the desk. I tried my best to ignore it but it didn't stop.

"I'm sorry.." I said to her but she smiled, shaking her head "no it's totally fine, maybe it's something important"

I took my phone from the desk to see who it was and it was Olivia. Of course it's her.

She left multiple texts and missed calls.


Where r u

Why aren't you at practice

Are you cheating on me

Fuck you

I've done nothing but be amazing
to you and this is what you give me
in return??

Answer me Jordan

I'm gonna tell your parents that
you're fucking some bitch

I treat you so well

As she was typing I decided to reply to what she was saying. I wasn't going to be defensive because I'm doing nothing wrong, I'm just studying.

You treat me like shit Liv

So that random bitch treats you

There is no 'random bitch' as
you claim. I'm just studying with
Mrs.Diaz. My coach told me it's okay
to skip practice to study

So there is a bitch just not one
you're fucking?

She's not a bitch.

Yes she is

No she's not. Go say whatever you
want to my parents but you don't treat
me well. Most of the sex we have is
forced, I don't enjoy it and that's bad
enough to prove how you treat me

You always say you wanna have
sex. It's not like I'm doing it without

This is kind of hurting me. Not her fighting me, that topic is just really overwhelming.

To her, everything I do is wrong. She does nothing wrong and everything is on me. I even feel like it's my fault sometimes.

I looked at Mrs.Diaz "can we continue later?" I asked, my voice cracking a little. She frowned and nodded "is everything okay?" She asked me after I stood up.

I took my things and nodded "yeah everything is okay.." I forced a smile "..thank you for helping me"

Then I left the class and made my way towards the bathroom. I got into a stall and closed the toilet seat, sitting on it and taking my phone out again.

I give you consent bc you keep
whining and asking constantly to
have sex after I say no

You could say no again so that
sounds like a you problem

Maybe she's right..is she?

You should've stopped asking after
the first no

Well sorry I'm just trying to fulfill
my sexual needs with MY gf

Or do you prefer I do it with
someone else?

She already does. I saw her sexting a guy that goes to our school but it was normal to me. I know I'll never be good enough for her because I have different sexual needs and a lot of mental problems.

I just want someone to listen to me.

Mrs.Diaz // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now