Chapter 8

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Hannah's POV

"Zayn!" I shouted. Niall was trying to choke Zayn for scaring him. "Zayn what the hell?" Niall asked. Zayn flipped Niall over on the ground with vamp speed. "What are you doing with Hannah?" Zayn asked Him.

"Just having some fun that's all" Niall said as he flipped Zayn back on the ground. "Louis already punished her," Zayn said. "I know, like I said I'm just having some fun Zayn" Niall responded. Zayn kicked Niall in the balls, and he fell down in pain. Zayn stood up and looked at him, "well your fun just ended, leave her alone" he said. It looked like they were about to fight. I couldn't run away, they were outside the door. Zayn walked over to me, "you okay?" He asked me. I nodded at him, then looked at Niall. He began to stand up. Zayn looked at him too, and gave him a nasty look. You could tell he was pissed.

"Oh, and since when have you two been a couple?" Niall asked Zayn. I rolled my eyes at him. "We're not" Zayn said. Niall looked at me grinned. "Asshole" I whispered to myself. They both heard me, Niall stopped grinning. The boys had a stare down for a minute, that's when I noticed something. We're did Harry go? Niall looked at me, "he thought Zayn was someone else so he ran off babe" he said. I hate it when they read my mind.

"Who?" I asked. They didn't answer me, they both just looked at me. I asked again, "who? Louis?"

"No one, don't worry about it" Zayn said, "c'mon lets get you out of here." He tried grabbing my arm but I jerked back. Niall started to laugh at him. I looked at Niall. 'Was that really necessary' I thought. Niall stopped laughing, "Sorry" he said.

I was getting worried. Who could Harry be scared of? It didn't really seem like he was scared of Louis. Was there someone else who lived here? Zayn looked at me, "no just us. And trust me Harry has a wild imagination, he probably thought it was a ninja" Zayn said. Niall and I both laughed, even Zayn started to laugh. Even though I could tell he was lying, I didn't ask anymore. "Now lets go babe, Niall won't bug you anymore" Zayn said. I nodded at him, and so I walked past the both of them out the door. Zayn followed me.

I walked to the bottom of the staircase, then turned around and looked at Zayn. "Thank you" I said. Zayn smirked, "you're welcome."

"But why? Why did you help me?" I asked him in confusion. "Because you needed help," he said. I know there's another reason, but he didn't tell me. Then we heard a voice coming from the top of the staircase, "babe there you are!"

I turned to look and it was Louis. He didn't look mad, he looked worried. I backed up and grabbed Zayn's arm hoping he would protect me, "Umm Louis" I said, sounding scared.

He started to walk down the stairs, "I've been worried about you. Niall said you were upstairs and you weren't, so I knew he had you. Did he hurt you?" Louis asked. I was kind of happy he was worried about me, it was sweet. "I'm fine" I said. Louis looked at Zayn. "Is she?" He asked him. Zayn nodded, "yeah Niall was just having some fun, but she's fine now," Zayn said. Louis started to get mad. "I'll talk to Niall later, but for now babe I need to talk to you" he said. I backed up behind Zayn. "I'm not mad," Louis said, "I just want to talk."

Zayn looked at me and nodded. That meant he wanted me to go with him, it was safe. I let go of his arm. Louis reached his hand out to mine, and I grabbed it. He walked us upstairs. I looked back at Zayn a few times. He was just standing there watching us walk, then he turned around and went into a different room.

Louis took me down the hallway, "where are we going?" I asked him. "To my room. I want to talk to you," he said. I can only imagine what Louis' room looks like. We got there and he opened the door, "after you" he said. That meant I was aloud to go in. I walked in, and it was beautiful, just like Zayn's room. It might have been a little messy, but the furniture was nice.

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