Chapter 11

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Hannah's POV

I slept for about an hour. I dreamt about Harry's eyes at first, then I started to dream about Liam's secret. But then I dreamt about Louis, and what we talked about. He actually took the time to get to know me, and he told me he loved me. I was smiling in my sleep. Then I started to wake up, someone sat down next to me on my bed. They ran their fingers through my hair. I slowly began to open my eyes, and saw an blurry image of someone. I opened my eyes wider, the image started to become clear. It was Louis, he was smirking at me. "Louis?" I said with a scared voice. I started to sit up. My neck hurt so I covered it with my hand. "It's ok babe, I know. I ran into Harry in the hall. You don't have to be afraid," he said. I looked into his eyes. I could tell he was happy to see me. "How long have you been sitting there?" I asked him.

"Just for a few minutes, I didn't want to wake you, you were having a good dream" he said. He read my mind in my sleep. Hopefully he didn't read it when I was thinking about Liam. "What was I dreaming about?" I asked him to make sure. He smirked, "You were dreaming about me." I smiled in relief.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, then he started to play with my hair. "I was worried about you babe. I thought you weren't coming back, but then Harry cleared things up. I hope your neck feels better" he said. I was happy Harry cleared things up before I had to. Then I looked down at my pillow and it was stained in my blood. At least my neck stopped bleeding.

"Thanks" I said. Louis moved my hand away from my neck to look at the bite mark. "It's not that bad, it should stop hurting pretty soon" he said. I nodded and smiled. I got most of my energy back, but I was still a little weak. I didn't eat anything all day, or last night. Not to mention I'm bored out of my mind.

"You hungry babe? C'mon lets get you something to eat, and maybe we could do something fun" Louis said. He helped me up out of my bed. "Put some different clothes on, I will take you out to eat" he said. I looked at him surprised. He's actually going to let me leave the house. I didnt question him, I just nodded, and he walked out of the room so I could change. I put some makeup over the bite mark on my neck.

He met me downstairs, he changed his clothes too. He grabbed my hand and took me out the door to his car. He opened the car door for me. He started the car and drove off. We drove down town, I watched as people past by on the sidewalk. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "It's a surprise" he said. I saw a pier up ahead, there was a carnival going on. Louis parked his car in a parking lot, "we're here" he said. I smiled, I couldn't believe he was taking me to a carnival. He bought some tickets and we went in. We walked around looking at some rides, but I wanted some food first. I honestly could eat anything at this point.

He took me to a food stand and bought me some food, it really hit the spot. I didn't want to ride any rides until my food digest. "Lets go play some games babe" Louis said. I nodded. He took me to one of those squirt games, where you have to squirt water in the circle to make your box go up. There were about 7 people already payed to play. "Louis I suck at this game" I said. He laughed, "just try babe." He payed for the both of us to play, then we sat down and grabbed the squirter. "Ready, set go!" The man at the stand said. I began squirting, but it was hard to focus on the circle. I really do suck at carnival games. Then I heard a bell ring, someone already won, and I lost. I looked around to see who, and it was Louis. I smiled, "Louis you won!"

He smirked, and told the man he wanted the big bear of the top shelf. "Here you go babe" he said as he handed it to me. The bear was almost as big as me. "Thanks Louis" I said. It was the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me. We walked away from the stand, "how am I going to hold this?" I asked him while laughing a little. He laughed too, "I guess I can put it in my car," he said. We sat down on a bench for a few minutes, and I put the bear down next to me.

I looked over at Louis, looking in his eyes. "What now babe?" He asked. "I don't know" I said. Honestly right now I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't tell him that. Then again, I'm sure he knew. He smirked, and leaned in for a kiss, then planted one on my lips. Then he leaned away, I smiled. I felt butterflies fill my stomach.

Louis and I started chatting, when I saw some people I recognized walking down the sidewalk. It was Zayn and Niall. I told Louis to turn around, and he saw them too. "What are they doing here?" I asked. Louis shook his head, "I don't know, probably looking for me," he said.

Louis stood up, and looked at them. Then Zayn saw us, and he pointed Niall in are direction. They walked over to us. "Hey Lou, where you been?" Zayn asked. "I'm kinda on a date" Louis told him. I looked over at Niall and smiled. I was trying to be nice, after what he did.

"So what do you guys need?" Louis asked them. "Sorry to bother you guys Lou, just wanted to tell you Liam brought a girl home" Zayn said. As soon as he said Liam, I started to think about what Harry told me. I tried to forget before they read my mind. I don't think any of them did. "Ok, make sure he doesn't make a mess. And tell the girl to stay away from my room" he said. They nodded and walked away. That's it? That's all they wanted to say. It was kind of weird they came here to tell us that, but Louis seemed concerned. I ignored it, and smiled. Louis looked over at me, "lets go play some more games babe, and ride some rides." I nodded, and I grabbed the bear and walked with him.

*3 hours later*

We finally got home, Louis won me another bear, and a stuffed turtle. He's really good at carnival games. It was so much fun, we went on the Ferris wheel, and we stopped at the very top. Then we kissed. I tried playing balloon darts, and Louis guided my hand as I threw the dart. The merry go round was fun too, because we pretended we were really racing horses, and sometimes Louis made weird faces to make me laugh. We even went down the fun slide, and raced to the bottom. Louis let me win, he kept winning at everything else. It was the most fun I've had in a long time, but all fun things had to come to an end.

Louis went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. We are going to watch a movie in his room. I took my stuffed animals up to my room and put them on the floor for now, then I changed into my pajamas. A tight long sleeve t shirt and pajama shorts. Then someone knocked on my door, I thought it was Louis, but when I answered it, it wasn't Louis, it was Niall. He looked at me for a moment. "Umm hi Niall, what do you need?" I asked him. He smirked, "I know you know babe. P" I was confused, "what are you talking about?"

"You think no one read your mind at the carnival, but I did, and I know you know about Liam."



A/N ok guys hope you like it so far. Comment/fan/vote

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