Chapter 17

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Hannah's POV

I froze when I saw his name. My face turned pale, and I got butterfly's in my stomach. I wanted to run back, thinking this was a trap, but something told me it wasn't. This must be his room. 'Come on babe, hurry up' the voice said. Well now it's clear to me, the voice sounds just like Niall. I didn't realize it before, but it's him.

I walked up to his door and knocked quietly. Then I heard someone, "come in." I grabbed the doorknob, and it was cold as ice. I turned it and opened the door slowly. Then I slowly stepped inside examining my surroundings. This room is huge, it's bigger then mine and Louis' room. It was like a bachelor pad down here.

I walked a little more inside, when I saw someone reading a book on the bed. I stopped and looked at him, and then Niall put the book down and looked at me.

"Hello Hannah, glad you came," he said.

"Why am I here?"

"Because you want out, and I want to help you."

"Since when do you want to help me?"

"Since I realized you don't deserve this. Here, let me explain, sit down."

He patted his bed, and I walked over and sat down next to him. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Look, a long time ago, I lost my girlfriend because of Liam. Zayn and Louis lost theirs too. If I could go back in time and save her, I would, but I can't. You're my second chance in a way. I can save you."

"Why do you want to save me? I'm not your girlfriend."

"Well no, but you mean something to me. And I know you mean a hell of a lot to Lou. On Halloween, Fright night, something will happen to you. Louis thinks he can protect you by not telling you what will happen, but he can't."

"What will happen to me?"

Niall smirked, and began to laugh but he caught himself. "Well it's complicated, but if you want my help, I'll help you escape."

"I do want your help, but I still want to know what will happen to me."

"It's nothing. It won't matter once you leave."

"No Niall it does matter, what is it just incase this doesn't work?"

"Babe don't ask again, I'm not saying."

"Niall, Zayn doesn't know what will happen, but you do. Just tell me!"

Nialls vampire eyes and fangs came out, "I told you, I'm not saying."

"Please tell me!"

Niall was getting mad. "YOU'LL DIE OK!" He shouted.

I backed up, and turned pale.

I knew he regretted saying that, but he said it anyway. He repeated it once more, quietly. "You'll die."


A/N I'm gonna try to right the next chapter today or to tomorrow. If not, then ill get to it as soon as possible. Sorry this chapter is short.

But I hope u like the book so far.

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