Chapter 33

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~~still 10 days~~

Niall's POV

Me and Liam looked everywhere for that box. It's small but not tiny, it shouldn't be to hard to find. Plus I should be able to smell it, but I can't. The vervain scent isn't anywhere. It's like Harry put a spell on the box so he would be the only one who could smell it. But that's stupid because Harry can't do magic. Witches are the only ones that can do magic, and I don't know any witches, and I don't think Harry does either. The box is made out of nice wood, which means its semi fragile. Harry wouldn't just leave it on the ground to get crushed.

Liam flipped a table looking for the box. He's really upset at himself. He still can't believe he told Harry where Louis was, which is the same place Hannah is at. I tried telling him he didn't do anything wrong but he didn't believe me. Honestly as long as Hannah doesn't invite Harry in, he can't hurt her or Louis. But the thought of Harry even knowing where they are scared Liam. It's like Liam actually cared about Hannah, like he actually liked her. I mean 'like like' her. Louis, Zayn and I all do, but Louis doesn't know about me. I want to keep it that way.

"Where's the damn box!" Liam shouted. He was extremely pissed, I'm surprised he didn't wolf up yet. I wanted the box just as badly, but I had to do something to calm Liam down. "Shh Liam it's ok. Ill find it later, lets take a break dude."

"No Niall, I'm sick of Harry trying to take charge. Lately, he's been acting all depressed and weird, and I'm sick of it because he's gonna get himself hurt. So I have to protect him!" Liam said.

"Are you sure it's him you want to protect?" I asked.

He nodded slowly while thinking, "of course, he's just a kid." I razed an eyebrow at him and gave him one of those 'really' faces. I tried to remind him about a certain someone.

"I want to protect her too," he said quietly, just loud enough for me and only me to hear. I nodded, "me too." Liam suggested that we keep looking for the box. I didn't want him to freak out again like before, but I trusted he wouldn't. I nodded and grabbed out my phone and texted Harry. Text: 'last chance Styles. you better tell me where the box is or else.'

Harry's POV

my head stood facing the ground still amazed at the words I just said. I'm not one to usually talk about my problems. I could hear Paul's footsteps come closer to me. When they came to a stop, he was standing next to me, patting my back. "Oh Harry, no you didn't. You won't ever lose me."

I looked up at him, "the other best friend." His reaction was priceless, "oh."

"Yeah," I said, and returned facing the ground. He stopped patting my back and wrapped one arm around my shoulder. At that point he knew who I was talking about. "You know Harry. I don't think you actually lost him, you just lost a part of him." I looked up, "what part would that be?"

"His trust," Paul said, looking dead in my eyes. I shook my head, "no I didn't, Louis never trusted me. Not once." Paul shrugged, "I don't know, you'd be surprised. Every time Louis and I have a conversation, he mentions you. How you're a good friend."

"Yeah well, I'm not anymore. He hates me," I said. Paul shook his head, "he does not hate you, he is just probably angry. Honestly, I don't know why he would be, but whatever it is you need to talk to him."

"He left because of me Paul. He thinks I'm going to kill Hannah so he took off with her, Niall, and Zayn," I told him.

"Who's Hannah?" He asked. "Louis' girlfriend that he kidnapped," I responded. Paul sighed, "you boys and your kidnapped girls. I feel bad for her."

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