Chapter 49

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  • Dedicated to Pauly Higgins bby :*


The next two chapters may include sexual content, nudity, violence and other stuff. Reader discretion is advised. You've been warned, the journey begins below.


~~~Fright Night~~~~~


Hannah's POV

It's morning. Actually scratch that, more like noon-ish maybe. I didn't wanna get out of bed, even though I know I have to soon. I was scared about tonight so I thought I would sleep in, because I'm not quite sure I'm gonna be able to again.

Oh yeah, it's also Halloween so, happy Halloween. For me it's not that happy. Last night was what we call 'Devils night'. I had the most horrible dream ever, what a coincidence. Louis played with my hair for half the night to calm me down. It made me feel safer knowing he was right there.

I woke up and looked around at my surroundings. I was still in my bedroom, and Louis was still next to me. He was asleep, he must have had a rough night. Whenever I have bad dreams I usually can't sleep unless the lights are on, or if it's light outside. Considering my window is bringing in light, I think it's ok for Louis to rest now. I'm not actually sure when I went to bed last night, let alone Louis falling asleep. I laid my head back down on my pillow, careful not to wake him. He looked exhausted, I doubt a stampede of wild bulls could wake him. But maybe the boys could.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I didn't wanna get out of bed yet. The footsteps walked into my room, and I quickly closed my eyes before they could see that I was awake. It sounded like more then one person. I pretended to sleep, then I listened as voices began speaking.

"Are they up?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe."

"Hmm well we gotta wake them up soon."

"Hurry! I gotta go pee!"

"Niall shutup."

"Wait shh. Do you hear that?"

I started chuckling a little at their comments. I tried holding it in but it came out anyway. As soon as they stopped talking I knew that they heard me.

"She's giggling."

"I think she's awake."

"Cmon lets see." All of the boys giggled like girls to themselves for some weird reason.

Oh shoot. They did hear me, and not long after I heard them stop talking again, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tried not to flinch. "Babe.....Babe.....Hannah you gotta wake up," a voice said shaking me a little. I know it's Harry, I recognized his voice. He talked to me in a calm whisper tone. I refused to move still. "Cmon Babe, I know you're awake, you can't pretend anymore," Harry said slowly. He was talking to me like I was a toddler. I guess that's the best way to talk to someone when you wanna wake them up.

He already knew I was awake, but I still didn't wanna get out of bed. I was still tired. I whacked his hand away from me to indicate I wanna be left alone. I also did one of those "ermm" sounds. "Well somebody's sassy today," Harry said. "Cmon babe we made you breakfast, waffles and toast. You better come get it before it's gone," another voice said that sounded like Liam. I wasn't really hungry, but the thought of waffles made my stomach growl.

"Hannah babe, please get up. It's Halloween after all!" A voice said, this time it was Zayn. The boys started giggling again. Ok, the giggling was getting weird.

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