Chapter 41

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~~ 4 days ~~~

Hannah's POV

It's morning again. I slept well last night. I'm no longer paranoid for trusting Harry. As soon as I found out Louis trusted him I was less paranoid, but now I'm not paranoid at all. I can't believe Harry said that to me yesterday. It's sweet but, at the same time weird. He always helped me when I needed him to, but he never approached me as a 'nice guy'. He's kinda a charming bad boy. Anyway, on the bright side it made me feel safer. For some reason, I was happy when he told me he liked me. It's like I felt the same way. Harry and I have never been friends, but we are not enemies either. We are just two people that talk.

Anyway, Im hungry. I got up out of bed and went downstairs. My hair was in a messy bun, I had grey sweatpants on and a t shirt. I think this was Louis' shirt, I don't remember. When I got to the kitchen I was still half asleep. I opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice out. I didn't even bother getting a glass, I just drank It from the carton. Little did I realize that I wasn't alone. With the carton still on my lips, I looked over at the island and saw Harry sitting on a bar stool. He was trying not to giggle. I put the carton down on the counter and wiped my lips. Well this is kinda embarrassing considering I'm pretty sure I look disgusting. "Uhh" I muttered out.

This was kinda awkward. "Haha it's ok" Harry said. All I could do is smile. "Umm are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something?" He asked me. I shook my head, "no I'm fine, thanks." He smirked at me. Before today, he didn't give me the impression he liked me, but today he is. He's acting differently. I guess that's ok because I'm not worried about being killed anymore, but now I'm worried he's gonna flirt with me.

"Soo umm," he began. "Uh" I said. We had nothing to talk about. "How are you?" He asked. I shrugged, "fine I guess, and you?"

He smiled, "I'm fine."

The awkwardness continued. Finally after a few moments it was over when Niall walked in the room. "Hey good morning Hannah! ....Harry."

"Glad to see you too," Harry said as he took a sip of his drink. Nialls usual funny, happy face was now serious and cold. Actually that just made it more adorable. He walked over to the fridge near where I was. He opened the fridge, then closed it. "Where's the orange juice?" He asked. I pointed to the carton I left sitting on the counter. "Did you drink right from it?" He asked. I blushed a little and nodded. Niall started to giggle, "whatever." He picked up the carton and drank right from it too. It kinda made me wonder if he's done that before.

Anyway, I thought that maybe I should leave the room and let the boys occupy the kitchen, so I did. I went into the living room and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on. I was watching it for a little bit, when suddenly the phone rings. It wasn't anybody's cell phone, it was the wall phone. I thought about answering it but I don't know if Louis would want me to. I just waited for someone to come in and get it.

"I got it!" A voice shouted out of nowhere. Zayn walked in from another room, and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi. Is Hannah there?" The voice asked. Zayn looked over at me then back at the wall. "Umm who's asking?"

"It's Malory. Liam told me I could talk to her if I asked nicely, can I please?" The voice asked.

Zayn hesitated. He kept looking at me. Finally, I said something. "Zayn what's wrong?"

He shook his head and put the phone on his shoulder, "nothing hold on babe." Then he put the phone back to his ear. "Is Liam there?" He asked. Malory responded, "yeah but he's in the shower. please let me talk to her, please." Zayn sighed, "alright but not long ok."

"Ok," Malory said. Zayn set the phone down and walked over to me. "It's for you," he said. I got up and went to the phone. I hesitated while putting it to my ear. I looked back at Zayn and he nodded. That told me that it was alright.

My voice cracked a little, "H-hello?"

The other persons voice sounded like tears, "Hannah?!"

I recognised the voice perfectly, "Malory is that you?"

She responded in tears, "yes! I miss you where are you?" I covered my mouth and tried to hold back my tears. "Malory it's ok, I'm fine."

"No, what's gonna happen to you on Friday? I'm scared," she said. I didn't know what to say at first, but then I thought of something. "Malory listen to me ok. Everything is ok, I need you to trust me on this. I'm gonna be fine, ok."

I couldn't tell she was nodding through the phone, "Han I wanna see you." I let out a tear, "Mal you can't right now, soon I promise."

"We still have time before that night, please talk to Louis, I have to see you," she said. I kinda already figured his answer would be no, but she's so scared. I can't put her through this. "Alright Mal, I'll talk to him ok. I gotta go, I love you," I said. She did a half laugh half cry through the phone, "I love you too Han. Bye."

I put the phone back on the wall, then before I knew it I was on my knees crying. Zayn immediately noticed and ran over to me. He got down next to me and held me as I cried into his shoulder. "Shh it's ok babe" he said rubbing my back. I cried even louder. Louis heard and rushed downstairs. "What's wrong?" Louis asked getting down on the other side of me.

I looked up at him. My cheeks were all red. "Oh babe," Louis said as he hugged me. Zayn stayed near us. I felt comfortable with both of them there with me. Louis played with my hair. "What happened?" He asked Zayn. I could tell Zayn was trying to be careful with his choice of words considering he didn't want me to cry even more. "She's upset," Zayn said.

That gave Louis the idea to mouth words. 'With what'? Louis mouthed to Zayn. 'Her friend called' Zayn mouthed back to him. Louis shook his head and mouthed, 'you didn't let her talk...did you?

That's when the mouthing of words stopped. "I did" said Zayn. Louis gently grabbed my shoulders and looked at me. "shh it's ok." He wiped my tears. Then he looked over at Zayn again. He didn't seem mad, he just seemed like he was settling, meaning he was 'dealing with' something. "C'mon lets go upstairs ok," Louis said to me. I nodded. He helped me up off the ground and walked me back to my room. I half smiled at Zayn before I left the room.

When we got to my room, I was pretty much done crying a storm. I hugged Louis again, and he ran his fingers through my hair. "Louis it's not his fault," I said. I didn't exactly hear the mouthing, but I figured Louis assumed Zayn did something. He does that sometimes.

"I know. Im not mad at him," he said. I smiled, "good."

"But he shouldn't have let you talk to her," he said in a calm, quiet voice. I looked up at him, "Louis she was scared and worried about me."

"I'm sorry babe," he replied. Another tear rolled down my cheeks. "She wants to see me," I mumbled. Louis had a worried look on his face now. "She can't."

"Please Louis. It's not fright night yet maybe I can just see her again. Please," I begged. Louis could've easily just said no, and then did his charming thing that he does to make me feel better. But he didn't this time. Instead he hugged me again.

"Alright. Ill talk to Liam. Maybe tomorrow I can go and get her," he said. I was kinda surprised, "really?" He nodded, "yeah." I smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugged back tightly. "Thank you," I whispered in his ear. He kissed my ear before whispering "you're welcome," back to me.



Ok guys next chapter will be up soon. Comment. Fan. Vote. Also If u like Marcel the marketing guy I'm writing a fanfic about him. Check it out on my profile. :D

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