Chapter 38

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Harrys POV

I think I did it. I'm not sure but I think I did. I told Louis. Not exactly what I was planing but I think it went well.

Well you know, except for that one little detail about me liking Hannah. Yeah he found that out. He wasn't too happy about it, but he got over it. It's proof to him. I thought he wouldn't take it as well as he did. Anyway he likes me again. At least I think he does. Our conversation went a little something like this....

~~about 5 minutes ago~~

"Ok start talking," Louis said to me. I nodded at him, "alright. Wanna do this in the kitchen?" He shrugged, "sure whatever." We walked into the kitchen, and sat down at the table. I was happy he was talking to me finally. I'm not really sure where to began at. There's not much I can tell him that won't make him worked up already. I tried winging it, "ok, hi."

"Hi. You got 5 minutes. I don't know how you convinced her but I want to hear it," Louis said.

"Louis Im not gonna hurt her, I swear," I said.

Louis got comfy in his seat, "and I will believe you if you give me a good reason to believe you. Maybe like why you told her?"

"Alright fine. If you really wanna know, I told her because she can help Liam. I can't say how exactly but it's for his sickness. It's a cure."

"See that wasn't so hard to say. You could've told me that."

"So you believe me?"

"Not yet. I get the fact that she can possibly help Liam, but how do you know she can for sure?"

"Louis I can't-"

"I know, I know. You can't tell me, it's a secret. I just need to trust you, and well Harry, it's difficult to trust you. If you think I'm gonna be mad, don't worry about it. I'm gonna find out anyway if I believe you or not. Just tell me, and I'll try not to kill you."

He had a point there. Maybe I was over reacting, thinking he would call this whole thing off. For one, he can't call this off, because I need his help. If he doesn't help then Hannah really will die, but I won't mention that part. Even if I didn't tell him anything he would help me, because he would see Hannah with me. he always wants to protect her. at first Louis didn't even know her when we brought her to the house. Now he loves her, and she loves him. No matter what happens on fright night, Louis will be involved. No matter if he knows it or not, we will all be involved.

I took a deep breath, "you're right Lou. Alright, I'll tell you. I'll tell you how she can help him, but you can't mention this to her. You can't tell Zayn or Niall, and especially Liam. Do you understand? This plan is risky ok, I admit it. Hannah will be scared, but she won't die if you trust me. I thought you would be mad if you knew this, but it doesn't matter. We have to go through with this and help our friend, ok? Do you promise to keep this between us?"

Louis nodded, "yeah. I promise."

"Alright," I said. Then I told him. I told him everything I told myself not to tell him. My moods are acting up today. First Louis can't know anything, now I have to tell him everything. I trust Louis, and I hope he trusts me. He listened carefully to everything I said. I could tell he didn't like parts of this plan, but he knows well enough that he can't call off the plan. Mostly because he can't call off fright night. My mind was made up. Louis now knew everything. The reason how she can help Liam, why it has to be her. Why I didn't want to tell him at first, why it's a risky plan, why he has to help me, and most importantly, why I won't hurt her.

"You like her?" He asked. I nodded, "yeah. But it's not like I'm gonna take her from you Lou."

"Yeah I know. It's fine Harry. Zayn and Niall like her too, which kinda makes her feel safer, I guess," Louis said.

"Yeah well, she doesn't know I like her yet."

"Really? And she still trusts you? No offense Harry, but you kinda give some people the impression you're a bad boy or murderer, so it's kinda surprising she would trust you with no reason. She's probably scared shitless."

"Yeah haha. Zayn said that. I'll tell her, to make her feel safer."

"Good idea."

I took a deep breath. "well anyway, now you know," I said looking Down. He nodded, "yeah, but I don't get why that was so hard to tell me, you're my best friend."

I slowly looked up, realising the words Louis just said to me, "w-what?"

"I said, you're my best friend. You always have been," Louis said.

"But you hated me."

"Yeah I was mad, but I didn't hate you."

Now I know Louis didn't mean the things he said. Like that he can't trust me because I'm me, Louis seems to be trusting me now. Maybe.

"So do you trust me?" I asked.

He smirked lightly and looked down. "Look, I don't agree with this plan 100% but, if you can convince her and Zayn, alright. I trust you, for now."

I smiled. Something inside of me that was dead was now alive. My friendship was back. The only person in the world, who I've known forever, and that's still alive, trusts me again. I'm happy, because Louis is like family. I couldn't help but....yeah I really couldn't help myself. I hugged him, which is something I never do. "Thanks Louis."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm sorry I was hating on you. I still don't know if you're being honest, but something tells me you are," he said, patting my back.

"Thanks Lou," I said.

I smirked and pulled away from him. I don't usually hug people, I'm not the hugger, Niall is. "I didn't think I would actually walk out of this room trusting you. No offence," Louis said.

"Non taken. I wasn't giving you enough information. I can't blame you, I kinda suck" I said.

"Yeah you do. But whatever a friends a friend, and a brothers a brother."

That made me laugh a little, "yeah....a friends a friend, and the brother thing."


A/N ok guys. Hope u like the book! Tell me what you think!

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