Chapter 42

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~~~3 days~~~

Hannah's POV

I woke up today happy. I don't know why yet but I am. I don't even know if Louis talked to Liam yet but something told me today was gonna be a good day. I got up out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast. I was alone in the kitchen. I did my usual routine and got the orange juice first. I didn't want to be nasty again so I pored it into a cup to drink it. It was delicious.

I noticed somebody's cell phone was laying on the counter. It wasn't mine. One of the boys must have been here recently. I don't know who, all their phones look the same to me. I would check but it probably has a password, and someone might get mad at me.

Then the mysterious phone on the counter started vibrating. I jumped a little because it startled me. Nobody was coming in here to answer it. Usually the boys run right to their phones. The one who owns this one must be outside or something. I looked at the caller ID and it said Liam. That gave me the idea to who's phone it was.

I was so tempted to answer it. I'm not supposed to answer the phone to strangers, a new rule made by Louis. But this is different because its not a stranger, it's Liam. I don't know if he will care or be mad. Well there's only one way to find out, so I answered it anyway. "Hello?"

"Louis?" The person asked, which based off the caller ID, I assume is Liam. "No this is Hannah," I said. "Oh haha. Is Louis there, Hannah?" Liam asked. I shrugged even though I knew he couldn't see me, "umm maybe. I don't know where, want me to look?"

"Or you can just tell him to call me back when you see him," he said. "Ok sure. Also Liam, I need to ask you something," I said.

"Ok what?" He asked. I was about to ask him, but then I turned my head and noticed Louis was standing in the door way. I was gonna ask if Louis talked to him already, but just incase he didn't I'll let Louis say it. "Umm, never mind I'll ask later, I found Louis, here," I said.

"Ok babe" Liam said. I did an innocent smile at Louis. He did a smirk back at me. "Haha sorry. Here you go," I said to Louis while handing him back his phone. He chuckle, "thanks."

"Its Liam," I whisper shouted to him. He nodded and whisper shouted back, "I know." we both chuckled a little. He put the phone up to his ear, "hey Liam what's up?" I tried listening in but I couldn't tell what Liam was saying. Louis gave me ideas based off his words. "Oh really? Ahuh....ok then....I'll tell her....ok....bye."

He hung up. Then he put his phone in his pocket and looked at me. I kinda was nervous he was gonna say something bad. He looked like he had bad news. Then again it's Louis, he could be acting. We looked at each other for a little bit until we both started to chuckle.

"So?" I asked. He shrugged, "so what?"

"So what did he say?" I asked. He shrugged trying not to smile, "nothing much. Just something about pushing your friend off a cliff." My eyes got wide, "what!? No he didn't!" Louis started laughing, "I'm kidding. But he did say that if I wanted to, I could drive you over to see her." I couldn't help but smile, "and do you want to?"

"No" he said looking away. My smile turned into a frown. We both were silent for a minute into Louis started smirking again. "So, Zayn's gonna drive instead."

I instantly smiled again. I ran to him and hugged him so tight he almost fell over. He hugged back. "Thank you Louis! Thank you thank you thank you!" I said. He laughed, "don't thank me, thank Zayn." Zayn walked into the room when he said that. I looked over at Zayn and gave him a hug too. "Thanks Zayn" I said. He laughed and hugged back, "you're welcome, and you're hurting me." I grabbed his arms and looked at him, "I did not! That did not hurt!"

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