Chapter 21

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*about 20 minutes earlier*

Harry's POV

I walking down the hall doing my usual whistle every Friday night, when I heard voices, girl voices. I looked down the hall and saw Hannah running with her friend I compelled, Malory. I knew I smelt someone downstairs. Liam doesn't want Malory leaving his side, I don't know why but I don't argue with him. Also, Louis will probably be pissed if he knew Hannah snuck out. She's supposed to be with him in his room for three days. I wonder if he knows about this. I followed them, watching them run down the stairs. Then I ran off before they could see me, and ran straight to Lou's room. I didn't knock, I just went in. He was fast asleep. I could tell Louis hasn't had blood in awhile, he's weak and tired. He's probably trying to make Hannah feel more comfortable around him.

I tried shaking him to wake him, he only opened his eyes for a second to acknowledge me. "Louis. Louis c'mon dude wake up!" I said. "what do you want Harry?" He asked with his eyes closed. I grabbed the blood bag I had put in my back pocket for later, and waved it in front of his face. He smelled it and grabbed it. "I have to ask you a question Lou," I said.

"what?" He asked.

"Where's Hannah?"

Louis' eyes opened wide, and he immediately sat up and looked over to the spot on his bed where Hannah was laying. "what the hell Hannah? Where is she, and how long was I out?" He asked. I laughed a little, "I'm not sure, but drink that, you'll feel better." He started to drink the left over blood in the bag. He swallowed fast, he was hungry. "Look its fine Lou, I saw her. She ran downstairs with that girl Malory. She's planning on escaping I think," I told him. Louis stopped drinking, "Well she's not getting far. I won't let her escape, not now. Besides,  she can't escape alone with just that girl."

I nodded, "yeah well when I was downstairs I smelt her, but she had a weird scent on her. It kinda smelt like Niall." He shook his head, "no, Niall wouldn't help her. Why would he?"

"I have no idea Lou, but lets go find out what's going on," I said. Louis got up and we both ran with vamp speed down stairs.

*10 minutes earlier *

I smelt Hannah from here, she's in the library. We got to the library but no one was there. Then I smelt Nialls scent again, he was here, and so was Hannah. We waited a few seconds and then opened the passage way quietly and walked in. Hopefully Niall won't toon in to the sound, if he's distracted by Hannah running away. I'm starting to think he likes her. Then I remembered Malory. I compelled her to forget who Hannah was. I could still compell her from here, it's almost too easy to get in her head.

*a few seconds ago*

I mind messaged her, so that I could stall them. 'Malory scream'. I heard her scream and followed the sound. I made her hear a loud buzzing noise in her head. It was too much for her to bare, so she passed out when I stopped it. Then we found them.

Hannah's POV

Oh shit, they found us. I knew Harry heard me, I should have just stayed in the hall instead of running away. At least then Niall wouldn't be in trouble. I can't even think about what Louis will do to him now. Louis looked at me, he was angry. Actually no, not angry, he was pissed. Harry walked up to us and stood beside Louis. Malory laid there in Nialls arms still. That's probably why Niall didn't run away from the scene yet, because of her there. Or maybe there's another reason,u I don't know. Harry smirked at me, and mouthed something to me, 'busted babe'.

"Where do you think you're going?" Louis asked.

I didn't answer him right away. I looked at Harry and gave him a nasty look.

"Just out" I said.

"Out where?" Louis asked sarcastically. I glared at him, and he smiled. He giggled a little, "oh babe, when will you stop digging yourself a deeper hole? I mean, I'm about 5 seconds away from compelling you. You just won't stop will you?" I crossed my arms, acting like I don't care.

Niall put Malory down on the ground gently. "Lou it's not her fault, it's mine. I told her she should go."

"No, she wanted to go before, didnt you babe? You just gave her extra support mate."

"Extra support that you're mad about."

"Yeah well, I'm not in love with the whole idea of her leaving. So with that said, yeah I'm pretty upset."

"Louis don't hurt her, hurt me instead."

Louis smirked, "I'm planning on it." He ran up to Niall with vamp speed and grabbed him. He wrapped his arm around Nialls neck and covered his mouth. He grabbed a needle out of his pocket and Jammed it into Nialls side. Niall yelled into Louis hand, then he began to collapse. His eyes started to shut, and then he was unconscious. Louis took the needle out of his side, and laid Niall on the ground next to Malory. Louis stood up and turned towards me. I backed up a little, right into the door. "What did you do to him?" I asked. Louis smirked, "I vervained him. He'll be fine, once he wakes up." I remember hearing something about vervain on a TV show once. It's an herb, that weakens vampires.

"Now that that's done, your turn." I tried backing up but there was no more room to. I'm already against the door. He grabbed my arms and smirked. "Louis do what you want to me, but let Malory go. You said if I came she would be safe," I said.

"Babe, she is safe. She has you, and Liam," he said.

I shook my head, and tried to get free of his grip. "No she's not, I want her home. Liam's no good for her."

Louis let go of my arms, "and what makes you think Liam's no good?"

I turned and looked at Harry. I almost forgot he was standing there. "He's not Louis, you know he's not." Louis looked deep into my eyes. He didn't say a word. I started to think about Liam, everything I know about him. I saw Harry shaking his head at me, then he looked mad. Louis backed up and turned to Harry. I saw a glimpse of his face before he looked away, he looked surprised, and in disbelieve.

Harry looked a little scared, when Louis said, "you told her...."


A/N oh shit. Hope the book is good so far. I means a lot to me that you're reading it. Ill get to the next chapter very soon. Comment/fan/vote

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